When the soldier finally lifted his eyes, her expression confused him. “Do you feel sorry for us? Don’t be. We are beasts. This facility corrects us.”Even against our own wills.
“Do you really believe that?” She rose from her chair as she read the answer in his eyes. “Animals aren’t mindless. They rarely attack unprovoked, even predators. A predatory animal will only attack if they feel threatened or to feed themselves.” As she stepped forward, she kept her eyes on him. “I may have never dealt with shifters, but I am familiar with other animals.” When she raised her hands, she showed their lack of scars. “No bites or scratches, even from the feral animals.”
Anger welled within her as their eyes met. “I don’t feel sorry for you. I’m angry for you. The way you’re treated. 002 told me you would have no choice when it came to my work. That upset me, so I gave each of you a choice.”
Her words sparked hope inside him, but Renfield’s teachings struck them down. Mac watched the small woman approach, and he wanted to believe her. Every fiber of his being craved it. If there could be redemption for shifters, then it could exist for himself.
Although a few feet from him, her floral scent created a different hunger inside him. “We are predatory, Dr. Morris.” When she didn’t move, he stepped closer. “It’s in our nature to hunt our prey. Threatened or the desire to eat, we are only beasts.” Yet, even as the words spilled from his tongue, he almost didn’t believe them.
No part of his mind or body craved to attack Violet. He wanted to touch her to see if her skin was soft as it appeared. He even ached to bury his nose against her neck and hair to discover the origin of the floral scent. Every desire he had, he craved to do it, but none of it was violent.For now. You will kill her because you are a beast.When he noticed his hand almost against her cheek, he withdrew it.She will never accept you. A beast who even kills their own blood.“I bothered you enough. I should leave.”
Her heart broke at his words. She needed to let him leave because she drew dangerously close to crossing a moral line. “Machiavelli,” she whispered his name. “If that were true, one of you would have attacked me already. None of you belong caged within these walls or worse.” As her emotions swelled, her throat threatened to close. “Anyone under these conditions would be dangerous. You’re not meant to be here.”
The first tear slid down her cheek as her eyes remained locked on his. Could he kill her with little effort? She had no doubt about that, but he wouldn’t. That conviction rang through her as she took another step toward him. “You’re a part animal, but you’re also part human. The animal side isn’t what should be feared. Humans are far more cruel than any animal could ever be. They don’t taunt and torture. Animals don’t cause unnecessary pain or kill for no reason. Those are all human traits.”
The single tear caught his attention. The only time he saw tears was from experiments or in the breeding program. Without a thought, he cupped her face to wipe the tear away. “We are trained never to be animals. We use our strength to protect humans but are always a predatory beast.”
Mac withdrew his hand and stepped back. “We will agree to disagree.”No. I’ll always agree with her.He ignored his thoughts as his eyes moved to the door. He hesitated with his next words. The soldier didn’t want to leave her. His jaguar itched to come out for the first time since his first shift. “I need to go.”
“You don’t have to, but I won’t keep you here either.” She fought not to reach for him. “You have a choice. Maybe not anywhere else, but you will never have to do anything with me.” Her voice remained low as every fiber of her being begged for him to stay. In her lab, he was safe. She didn’t want to think of the cruelties he faced in the rest of the facility. “One day, I’ll make sure you’re free. All of you. Then you’ll see how wrong this place is.”
One day.Mac nodded as he headed for the door. Before he opened the door, he glanced back. “We will see, Dr. Morris.”Violet.He exited the laboratory. As he closed the door, his heart raced. He remembered the way her cheek felt against his hand. Her fragrance filled every part of his senses. He remembered it all, then locked it away into a box.
Chapter nine
Ican’tdothis.Do you have a name instead of a number?Violet’s voice repeated in Mac’s head.One day, I’ll make sure you’re free. All of you.Her bold claim perplexed him as he headed to the soldier’s training area.
He should have headed into Renfield’s office, but the soldier decided on a different route. Mac had too many questions that left him concerned and nervous. The other emotions were too foreign for him, yet his jaguar begged to return to the floral geneticist. It would only compromise the mission if he gave in to the animal.
“007,” a soldier greeted down the hallway.
The jaguar barely registered the younger soldier. He turned down another hallway before he stopped as he spotted one of the many cameras ahead. His heart raced in direct opposition to the calm he desperately yearned for. After two deep breaths, he caught Violet’s floral fragrance. His jaw ticked in frustration.
I can’t do this.Her words haunted him as Mac marched forward. He arrived at the soldier training unit. A group of soldiers trained together on the fighting mats. Others stood to the side to await their turn while they watched the opponents spar. When he stepped forward, his eyes landed on his brother. Avel attacked his opponent with an upper knee hit.
Avel slammed his knee into 002’s forearms, which were used to block the move. After the block, he switched tactics and thrust his hip into the other soldier to toss him to the ground. However, 002 latched onto Avel’s leg and kept his ground as Avel delivered two quick jabs to the back of his head. The moment 002 began to waiver, Avel took advantage of the opportunity to hold his ground. When he took a knee, the other soldier fell.
“Time.” 002 raised both hands in surrender.
Avel noticed Mac as soon as 002 surrendered. Avel received a brief nod before his brother walked away from the gathered soldiers. He clasped his hand around 002’s forearm, then helped him back onto his feet. “Break?” When 002 nodded, Avel pivoted on his heel to find his brother.
“Report?” Avel asked as he stood beside his brother. The two brothers perfected their stoicism and stance, so no one could discern what they spoke about. The soldiers knew they were brothers, but none held the ability to pinpoint who exactly was who. A technique they perfected over the years in the facility. Even their conversations with each other held a tone devoid of emotion. The other soldiers read their coldness as anger.
Mac studied the room for a moment as he dug into his pocket. Once retrieved, he handed it to Avel to read. After gathering information in the exam room with Dr. Morris, Mac realized he couldn't trust the ears in the facility. Avel’s eyes scanned the notes while Mac waited silently. He knew there would be many questions about his actions as soon as Avel read the last lines.
The notes were simple and straight to the point. Avel wondered if the butterscotch candy would be a major trigger for Dr. Morris to know they weren’t one person. The information had been crucially helpful until he reached the end. “Why?” He asked as his eyes read over the last bit. How could Mac reveal their name to the geneticist? Of all people, Avel thought it would be him to reveal such personal information. “What’s the reasoning?”
“She asked,” Mac replied.
Avel waited for more, but his brother kept his lips sealed. He looked around the training room and released a sigh. “I’m unsure what to do with this information, brother.” The mission seemed to be compromised. His meeting with the woman had been the polar opposite of Mac’s. The wordsirrational behaviorsandcomplicated emotionsonly left him confused.
I can’t do this.Her voice plagued Mac’s mind again, even as he stood beside his brother. It seemed like nothing could break the spell she had over him. Mac refused to speak further about the incident but wondered if he compromised their mission.
“The next appointment will be announced, I’m sure. I’ve gathered that she already had enough vials for her study,” Mac informed as he overheard the whispers of the facility. His heart ached to know he wouldn’t see her again soon. The anger he felt only conflicted him more.
Avel crumpled the piece of paper in his fist. He would dispose of it properly when he had a moment. “You’re more reserved than normal.” For a moment, he noticed a war inside Mac’s dark eyes. It reminded him of the night before Mica’s death. As quick as he saw it, the conflict in his eyes vanished. “Do you trust her?”
Since Mica’s death, Avel grew more sensitive toward emotions. It almost seemed like he was more Mica than himself. The constant reminder they had a fallen brother only hollowed his heart more. Things would never be the same, and he knew Mac like an open book. Yet, his brother refused to discuss anything further than what needed to be said.