Page 110 of Where Darkness Dwells

When I emerge through the northwest gate and into the clearing, I skid to a stop. This is where the drums sound, but I can see nothing. And an ominous chill hangs in the air.

I listen, and the hushed sounds of thousands of valefolk reaches me. And another voice, talking about above it all. With trembling hands, I raise my lantern and blow out the light.

Stepping lightly, I approach the gathering, straining my eyes to make sense of what lies before me. But it’s all shadows as thick as mud.

It’s like I’ve stepped through a waterfall. To my darkness-trained eyes, I’ve walked into the middle of the day. Looking behind me, a wall of ténesomni shudders. This must be one of Myrzeth’s darkness-bending tricks.

When I turn around again, a brighter spot at the north side of the clearing draws my focus. And dread assails my core.

The need to get closer overwhelms me. I almost don’t see what I’m walking into until it’s too late.

A massive, Shrouded form prowls directly in front of me, gripping the earth with four deadly paws. The darkness clinging to it shifts and undulates, sending out cold feelers in my direction.

I’ve seen one of these before.

I clamp my mouth shut just in time to keep in the sound of fright.

It must have heard me anyway. It raises itself up to its hind legs and turns to probe the ténesomni with hellfire in its eyes.

I close mine, and terror sinks its cold claws into my mind. It can only form one, desperate thought.

Elyon . ..

The kaligorva sniffs the air tentatively, even those small breaths sounding like huge rushes of wind.

It sees. It can smell me. It knows I am here.

By some absurd stroke of luck, it lets out a heavy breath and turns to continue pacing the edge of the crowd.

My muscles convulse madly. I back away as quickly as I dare and lurch along the edge of the ceremonial grounds, losing track of how many kaligorven I shift past.

Are they protecting the valefolk, or making sure none can escape?

When my heartbeat decelerates, I can concentrate on what is happening beyond them.

I don’t like what I see.

Myrzeth prowls a large platform, much like the kaligorven that circle the clearing. I can’t make sense of why he has called everyone here.

Until I see Amyrah standing next to him, clasped hands resting calmly against her simple dress. Myrzeth’s own aura of darkness manipulation conceals her light, for the time being.

“Amyrah,” I whisper, a feral sound that does not originate from my lungs. It tears from my soul.

What have you gone and done?

I would run to her now, except I am on the other side of the beasts that have subjugated the Vale for longer than anyone can recall. My father is right about me. I am a coward.

Myrzeth’s voice rattles around my skull. “These last few weeks have been ...difficultfor the Vale. Many of you have suffered the loss of loved ones. And we have endured an unprecedented level of darkness.”

Careful, Foremost,I think as the kaligorva ten yards from me rumbles threateningly.

I continue looking for a way to penetrate the circle but find nothing. Slipping into the trees behind the platform, I keep my eyes fixed to Amyrah’s back.

“What if I told you all the Vale’s recent troubles could be traced to one specific source?”

Whispers hiss from the gathering. I feel as though I will be sick.

He walks in a loop around Amyrah, stopping behind her. When he rests his hands on her shoulders and leans in to whisper something in her ear, a jolt of rage runs through my marrow.