“Elle …” He returned the favor, and then some. Her nickname on his beautiful lips in that sensual accent … yummy. “Will you come to Augustine with me for Ray and Macey’s wedding?”

Her stomach bottomed out. Her palms got clammy. Her heart raced. She needed to run away, and now. But he still had her pinned against the car.

Instead of shoving her way free, she stared up at him and envisioned what he was asking… going to an enchanted castle for the private wedding of his prince brother in the most beautiful spot she’d ever seen pictures of.

Most of all, go with him? Holding hands, walking together, talking together, training together, kissing? Her stomach pitched the other direction.

“As your stiffest ninja competition?” she tried to tease, but she was a mess clear through.

“You definitely are that.” He studied her. “But I’d love for you to come as my girlfriend as well. My family would love you.”

“I … I …” Their gazes locked, and she lost all reason when he looked at her as if she was his entire world. She couldn’t be his girlfriend, or his world. His family couldn’t love her. She couldn’t leave her mom. It had been a nightmare to leave her for competitions all spring. She couldn’t take time off work. It was all a no. “I don’t have a passport.”

Derek chuckled, raised his hand, and tenderly ran his knuckles along her jawline. She quivered from head to toe at the simple touch. “If that’s your only excuse, you’ll need a better one. I’m a prince, remember? Your government will rush the paperwork at my request.”

Of course they would. Derek didn’t throw around his princely status, one of the many reasons she was drawn to him, but he could surely call in favors everywhere, even with the U.S. Passport Office. He could charm anyone with his accent and blue eyes.

Ellery, on the other hand, couldn’t call in favors anywhere. She had no support beyond her mom and Aunt Elise. Everybody at work and in their elite ninja training group seemed to like her, but she was awkward talking to anyone but Derek and she kept her distance emotionally. They thankfully returned the favor. She didn’t have time or energy for friends.

“I have no idea what excuse you’ll accept,” she admitted quietly.

“Don’t give me one, then.” He leaned closer, and her body filled with liquid heat. “Come with me, Elle … please.”

Ellery wanted to cave. His appeal was overwhelming. She longed to go anywhere with this man. But reality and her responsibilities were always forefront in her mind. “I can’t take the time off work.”

Derek deflated. He was enough of a gentleman to know how bullheaded she was about anyone paying her way, but especially men. She’d never even let him take her to dinner, though he did bring her snacks and takeout often. She accepted as graciously as she could.

“I’m assuming you won’t allow me to help you out financially?” he asked softly.

“You assume correctly.” Her back stiffened. “I need to go.”

He nodded and straightened away from her, his jaw tight, his muscular body even tighter. “Will you please think on the request? The wedding is on July twentieth, a week from Saturday. We could fly through the night Friday and return early Monday morning. My plane is very comfortable, and you’d only miss one day of work. Your mum is welcome to come with us as well.”

She stared at him, not even correcting that it was Mom in America. Inviting her mom. Was he nuts? Neither of them would fit in at some fancy wedding. They each had a couple passable Sunday dresses, and that was it. The thought of what she’d need to wear to a wedding like that … impossible to envision.

Yet from what she’d seen on social media, the bride, Macey, and his other sister-in-law Aliya came from humble circumstances.

She wanted to explore his gorgeous country, his gorgeous castle, his gorgeous lips.

Instead, she shook her head and then threw her hands up in the air.

“I’ll think about it,” she conceded, though she knew she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t leave her mom. She couldn’t pretend she was dating a prince and fly to his home and attend a royal wedding on his arm, wearing a comfortable knit dress from Walmart next to his Brioni suit. What a joke.

He rubbed at his jaw and that arm flexed. It was quite an arm.


She backed away, lifted a hand in farewell, ignored the beseeching look on his handsome face, and ran. If only she could outrun the picture of those blue eyes in her mind. If only she could outrun his kindness, patience, and allure.

She ran faster.


Ellery ran past Boston Commons, across the bridge, and down city streets. She didn’t dare look back, or she might pivot and sprint back to him.

She couldn’t get her heart rate to slow. Go to Augustine? With Derek? Pretend to date him? Get lost in his gorgeous castle, in his gorgeous mountains, in his gorgeous arms?

That sounded insane. It was insane.