“They actually aren’t the most worrisome party at the moment. You like to tick people off, don’t you?”

His eyes widened. He ticked bad people off when he helped those who needed him, but most of the world loved him and his music.

“Come on. Sorry to put off your shower and getting warm, but you do look mighty fine in that swimming suit.” Sara’s voice was still lilting and happy as if she were teasing or laughing at him at all times. He couldn’t imagine any world where this small and innocent-looking woman could take out his well-trained security. She must have help hiding somewhere outside.

“Who’s working with you?” he asked, looking around.

“We’ll get into that soon, but for the moment I’m here alone.”

She turned and walked toward the stairs. No, this woman didn’t know how to simply walk. She bounced or danced or skipped. With each step she lifted slightly onto tiptoe, her hair floated around her shoulders, and she pranced to the stairs and down them. Gray was certain he’d never been around a more fascinating woman in his life. He’d thought he was in love with Malory Grange for almost a year and a half, regularly begging her to marry him, but Malory had shockingly found and married her former fiancé two weeks ago. He’d imagined it would hurt more, but he knew Malory had always been in love with Van Udy. Gray had helped her escape her horrific ex, Senator Ted Malouf. He was happy for her. Even Malory hadn’t held the appeal Sara did, and he hardly knew Sara.

They descended the stairs and walked into the massive living area of the basement with its own kitchen and living section, four bedrooms, a workout room, and a separate theater. The carpet of the basement was warm with the radiant, in-floor heating on here as well. It felt good on his toes. Sara looked over her shoulder and for a brief second her gaze focused on his chest, her cheeks turned a becoming pink, and she tripped over something.

Gray reached out a hand and steadied her. She stilled under his touch and he found himself wrapping his hand around her waist and slowly tugging her toward him. She stared up at him, all traces of laughter and teasing replaced with a warmth that made his heart race faster than when she’d knocked him down on the patio.

She rested her palms on his shoulders. The warmth of her fingers and palms seared into his bare skin. Gray let out a telling groan and focused on her summer-sky blue eyes. Her gaze captured him completely and lyrics raced through his head. He was lost and found in her gaze. Her touch lit a fire in him he’d never known existed outside of song lyrics and romance novels.

“Mpmf!” A strangled yell came from across the room and a body scooted from behind the pool table.

“Cameron?” Gray questioned, stunned by what he was seeing. His tough bodyguard. Incapacitated just as she’d said. Zip ties secured the man’s hands behind his back and to his feet which were also secured together. His mouth was covered with duct tape.

“Apologies.” Sara’s grin was back and that teasing, almost-mocking light filled her blue eyes. She pulled from Gray’s grasp and strode toward Cameron, pulling a knife out of her pocket and flipping it open.

Russ and Kaden stormed out of the bedroom they’d converted into their security headquarters. Russ’s face and neck were mottled red, the skin around his mouth looked raw and there were patches of his beard missing. His dark eyes were furious. Kaden was actually smiling, but the kid had perma-grin and he didn’t have a beard so maybe he wasn’t as upset about the effects of the duct tape.

“Ah, good job.” Sara straightened and faced the two security guys who would make most people run the other direction if they were marching their way. She held the knife loosely in her hand. “You two get gold stars. Did you both get free, or did one of you free the other one?”

Russ reached her first and knocked the knife from her hand. It skittered across the nearby countertop. “I broke the zip ties,” he grunted out.

He reached out with both hands, blood dripping from one wrist, most likely from his struggle with the zip ties, and moved to grasp her upper arms. Sara knocked his hands away, dodged underneath his arms, landed a vicious punch to his kidneys, and then she leapt, and kicked him in the side of the head. Russ stuttered, but straightened quickly.

“Gray,” Russ grunted out. “Move away while we take care of this problem.”

“Stand down, Russ,” Gray commanded. “Do you know who this is?”

“I don’t care if she’s the President. She incapacitated and took down my men. By herself.”

She really was alone and had taken out his security? What in the world? He’d never been so impressed, confused, and interested in a woman.

“I don’t hit women,” Russ growled at Sara. “So you still have the advantage, but you got the drop on me last time. I will have you hogtied and answering some questions.”

“Russ!” Gray sharpened his voice. “You work for me and you will keep your hands off of her.” He’d never talked to Russ, any of his security, or probably anybody since dealing with high school bullies, like that. But even his respected stepdad would have to be called out, and stopped, if he wanted to hogtie this woman.

Sara gave Gray a sweet smile. “Ah, that’s so cute. You’re trying to protect me, Smokey G? Just like you protect all the beautiful women who flutter their eyelashes at you?” She fluttered her eyelashes and it was an enticing move on her part. If only it hadn’t been done sarcastically.

Gray’s chest tightened. Did she realize the danger she was in? Russ was obviously ticked and no way could she best him and Kaden at the same time, and without the element of surprise to aid her. He didn’t like the derogatory way she’d referred to his propensity to protect women in danger. He personally thought it was one of his best qualities, but she seemed to be making fun of him.

“Thank, you sweet boy,” she said, pumping her eyebrows at him, “But I don’t need your protection.”

Sweet boy?Wow. She was a smart aleck to the tenth degree.

She looked to Russ. “I took you down once tough guy, I’ll do it again. Oh, and so sorry about the beard. It looks awful, by the way.” She patted him on the cheek before darting away.

Russ let out a roar and lunged at her. Kaden came around to his other side. The two men were huge and despite her obviously impressive training, skills, and bravado, it had to be terrifying to see these huge bodyguards coming at her like that.

Gray rushed to protect her. He wouldn’t let any woman be hurt while he was there to keep her safe.

Sara squatted and used Russ’s shoulders to launch herself into the air. It looked like a move off an action movie. She kicked Russ in the head again and he knocked into Kaden. She flipped and landed next to Gray. Scrambling behind him and onto his back, she wrapped both legs around his waist and one arm so tight around his neck he was immediately gasping for air. She shoved a pistol into his temple that he hadn’t even seen her pull out.