“He couldn’t hear her.
“Fear came over him and he began searching. Days went by until he finally found the village, but they were just as stumped as he was. Where did she go?
“He continued for days. Putting his ear to the ground, listening, tracking, searching. One day, he was deep in the woods, almost to the peak, when he listened for her again, and this time, he could hear her.
“She was singing. The fear shook her lyrics, the tears salted her words, but he knew. He tracked her all the way to the top only to come face-to-face with a beast so massive that it could swallow the boy whole.
“It turned out that the mountain beast had been too captivated by the girl’s voice too and had taken her. He kept her trapped at the top of the mountain, his greed keeping her prisoner. So the boy did the only thing he could do. He fought.
“Days of fighting went on and on, all while the girl sat at the top of the mountain singing. Her song boosted the boy, invigorated him to keep fighting. Slowly, the beast began losing his own strength, the battle too long for him to keep up with, but he was determined to win. That girl was to remain his.
“But exhaustion leaves room for mistakes and that was exactly what the beast did. He messed up. Or so he thought. But in reality, the girl not only invigorated the boy to keep fighting, but also gave strength to the animals on the mountains to push past their instincts and fear to fight back.
“They all rose together and fought the beast, laid a trap to get him off his feet, and then pounced on him. They dug into him until he no longer lived.
“Then the boy went to the top of the mountain, grabbed the girl, and told her that no matter where she disappeared to, no matter who dared to take her, he’d come for her. He’d protect her. And with that, they lived happily ever after together, the boy protecting the girl, the two of them talking to each other from sunup to sundown.”
The entire time Justin told his story, the lilt of his voice worked its magic and slowly, my body remembered what relaxing felt like. It had been too long since I felt like this. Justin’s voice was so steady as he spoke, a softness in his words that told me what he was telling me was something precious.
“You remember such a story?” I asked in a soft voice.
“Well, I imagine when I originally told it, I didn’t do it as well. But it was her favorite story, and one I could never forget about it. I mostly forgot the other stories, but not this one.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“She liked the boy who listened. I think one time she told me I was that boy and she was that girl.” Justin smiled before turning to look at me.
“I think she was a smart girl. You are a great listener. The best, really.”
“I’d do that for you.”
“Do what?” I asked.
“Find you. No matter where you end up, I’d find you. Make sure you’re doing okay. Save you if I have to.”
“That’s a heavy promise.”
“You’re deserving of such a promise.”
I couldn’t respond to him. I didn’t know what to say to that. So I stared up at the sky and kept watching as the clouds snuck by. But at least this time, I really did feel more relaxed as I mulled over Justin’s story.
Chapter Eighteen
~Justin’s POV~
Cadence had completely passed out during the ride back. I made sure to drive slowly and carefully so as to not wake her up. She had been looking absolutely exhausted the last few weeks, and from what Seth said, hadn’t been getting much sleep.
I just wanted to give her peace. A place to feel safe and relaxed. Seemed she didn’t have much of that lately.
The moment I turned onto Seth’s road, I saw him already standing there while Bebe sniffed around the front yard. I drove by Cadence’s house, only giving it a brief glance to make sure nothing looked suspicious and then pulled into his driveway.
Seth peeked in on my side and frowned when he saw her curled in her seat, sleeping. Then he worked his way around to her side.
I hopped out. “I’ll carry her in,” I said.
“I can do it.”
“Your ribs are still healing.”