“This is a bit intense,” I whispered as I sat down and glanced down at the table.
“I did good, right?” Seth was grinning so much. He clearly felt proud of this.
And he had a right to be. He did do good, but I wasn’t ready to admit that. “Ask me after the show.”
He chuckled.
We put our drink order in and then were left alone.
“Which section was your favorite?” Seth asked.
“The weird instruments. I never really thought about what people would use for music. It was a bit mind blowing.”
“I can’t get over the cheese drums.”
“I can’t imagine playing on cheese drums.” I shuddered. “Seems smelly.”
Seth chuckled.
“The stylophone looks fun,” I admitted.
“You would be curious about that one.”
I smiled. “It seems like a fun challenge.”
“I’ll have to see if we can find one of those then.”
Our drinks were brought over. They were virgin versions of alcoholic drinks. I had gone with what they called a cool looking witches brew to match with the upcoming holiday, and Seth was trying some kind of zombie drink that was an icky green.
We tried each other’s drinks, giggling over the fun flavors.
“So tell me,” Seth said. “What instruments do you know? I know you play the piano and the guitar. Anything else? It feels like you know everything.”
I snorted. “I wish. I’m good at the grand piano, keyboard, guitar and bass guitar. I have little experience with the wind instruments.” I tapped my chest. “Don’t have the lungs for that.”
I shook my head pitifully. “Screeching cats.”
“Proficient, but not anything to boast about. It works as a nice companion to help with beats. But ask me to do a solo and I’ll just laugh at you.”
Seth tapped the table, pretending his fingers were drum sticks. “How is this performance?”
I laughed. “So-so.”
Seth pretended to pout, making me laugh a little more.
“How about you? Any instruments?”
“Not really, I’d always been busy helping my parents or working. I did try out the saxophone once.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Don’t look at me like that. It really isn’t all that worthy of a mention. I tried for a few weeks, hoping it’d make me more attractive.”
“A handsome young boy who can play the saxophone. I can see why. Let me guess, the blues?”