Page 52 of Losing the Rhythm

“Is this the power of the female species?” Toby asked, coming closer and then walking around me. “To make anything they wear look this good?”

“Stop being silly,” I said.

“But it’s the truth. Bryan is right. We’ve seen you wear these pieces casually, but put them together like this and for some reason, you look extra nice. It’s perfect for a date night.”

“And I’m the lucky fool who gets to take her out,” Seth said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s leave these buffoons before they make us late.”

“No fair!” Toby said. “I wanna take her out now too.”

“You’ll have to wait your turn.”

Toby genuinely seemed upset. “Boo.”

I went to say something, but then he was grinning again and waving at us. “Have fun. Use a condom. Don’t do anything you can get arrested for. And if you want to, call us first so we can help.”

“What kind of advice is that?” Bryan asked.

“A truthful one. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t use everything at your disposal to help cover up a murder and keep everyone out of jail.”

“Why does it have to be such a specific situation?”

“It’s good to be prepared for worst case scenarios.”

“Well, while you plan all that out, we’re going to head out.” Seth hooked his arm with mine and led me out of the house while the others kept mumbling.

“Do you really think they’ll plan out how to get away with a murder in case we kill someone tonight.”

“One hundred percent.”

“Well, I guess maybe we should have plans in place as well in case they ever need help too.”

Seth’s smile widened. “I’m down for that. Knowing Toby and Paxon, they’re sure to get into trouble.”

“You think so?” I said, letting Seth open the truck door for me. I climbed inside the beast and waited until he got into the driver’s seat. “I would think the person we would have to most worry about is Bryan. Maybe Justin.”

Seth had been turning to look behind him as he backed up, but he paused to look at me. “What do you mean?”

“Well…” I struggled to put my feelings into words. “Sure, Toby is lively, but only ever thinks about those around him. And Paxon is active enough. He almost got in trouble at school for me. No doubt he’d be one of the first to jump into a fight if he’s angered enough. But isn’t that too obvious? He’ll get into a fight, but he’d never go so far as to kill someone. He’d run out of steam before then.”

“So why Bryan and Justin?” Something in Seth’s voice made me pause.

It was like we were inching toward something I shouldn’t touch. All the small hairs on my body stood up, whispering warnings for me to stop.

“Never mind. Let’s just drop it,” I said and looked out the window.


“Let’s just go have fun,” I said, ignoring the fear that sizzled inside me. What landmine was I practically ready to step on?

Seth drove for a couple minutes before blowing out a breath. “I’m not upset or mad or anything. And it kind of hurts having you react like that.” His smile when he looked at me was a bit bittersweet.

“I’m not reacting in any particular way.”

“You’re curling into yourself, like you’re bracing yourself. And the fact that I’m making you react like that is breaking my heart.”

“I’m not doing that.”

“Then let go of the door handle like you’re about to flee at any moment. I don’t want you accidentally opening the door and hurting yourself.”