Page 76 of All the Discord

I stalked out of the building, glad the meeting was finally over. Unable to help it, I paused to take in gulping breaths, savoring the cool air as it entered my lungs and cleansed me of Laurens’ expensive cologne. With the fall season well on its way, the sun was already on its way down, the parking lot emptier by a few dozen cars. I rubbed my face, trying to get rid of all thoughts surrounding the two-hour meeting.

Laurens had taken every opportunity he had to push himself into my personal space. He’d lean over me while he looked at my samples on my laptop or brushed against me or touched my shoulder, all under the excuse of needing to get closer to look at what I wanted to show him. At one point, he tried to put his arm around my chair, but I scooted the chair back until he moved.

The man wasn’t taking the hint, and now I felt absolutely dirty. He didn’t touch me inappropriately, but he did touch me when I didn’t want it. But what could I do? Who could I complain to? He was a rich man with connections everywhere. And what would I even say? That he touched my shoulder or my hand or his arm brushed against mine? They would laugh me out of the police station, and I could kiss all my hard work goodbye once he learned I tried to lodge a complaint against him.

I swore as I pulled out of the parking lot, completely disgusted and anxious. A buzz ran through me, awareness of everything making me paranoid. I had too much adrenaline after dealing with him and always being on edge. I needed to do something to get the shaking in my hands to calm down.

The drive home took a lot less time than it did getting to the office. Just went to show how much I didn’t want to go to that meeting and how badly I wanted to get away from him.

Seth’s truck was in his driveway, so I knew he was home. Maybe Justin was still there too. I pulled into my driveway, grabbed all my things, and went inside, noting the quiet. With the directions all my thoughts were going, I didn’t want that. I wanted to drown out all these thoughts and do something fun and mind numbing.

A simple answer came to me, making me smile. After quickly changing and grabbing a bag, filling it with what I needed, I went back outside and headed to my car, clicking the button to unlock it. I tossed my bag in the passenger seat before glancing back over at Seth’s house. I had only been inside for a few minutes and yet more cars were over there. Most likely all the boys were there now.

I pursed my lips. Should I?

Justin had been kind enough to show me a part of himself at the river. I should do the same. Open up to them more. They were good people and sincere since I’d met them. And when I wasn’t with them, I definitely thought about them. All of them. If I dared to put a name to the emotions I felt around them, it’d be warm and fuzzy—happy.

They made me happy. They made me look forward to the day. To the future. To spending more time with them. They were all different, and yet they blended so well together, and somehow I fit in with them.

I never had that before. People. Friends. Others I could relate to, others I had on my side. Support.

I didn’t want to lose that. I didn’t want to hold back anymore. That was too tiring.

Feeling settled for once in a long time, I nodded to myself. Decision made. I should. I would. Before I had a chance to overthink it, I went over to Seth’s house, refusing to give myself an opportunity to talk myself out of it.

I rang the doorbell and waited.

This was the right decision. They had only been good to me, and I wanted to let them in. I really did.

A few moments later, the door swung open, with Seth standing there, and as I thought, all the boys sans Calvin popping around behind him to see me.

“Cadence.” Seth broke out into a warm smile that made me feel flushed.

“Candy!” Toby yelled out. “Hi!”

I laughed, the stress from my meeting finally receding. They were like magic, making everything okay by only being near me.

“Hi, Seth.” I leaned to the side and waved at the boys. “And everyone else. It feels like you guys live here.”

Toby snorted. “The parentals like us here. Then they’ll know where we are compared to if we weren’t here.”

My smile felt tight as I replied. “I see.”

I shifted on my feet, suddenly feeling nervous, not sure how they were going to react. Seth picked up on it right away.

“What’s wrong?” He glanced over my body, suddenly alert. “Is your mom acting up again? Are you okay?”

“What?” I blinked a couple of times at his sudden worry. “Oh. No, it isn’t that.” I shifted again and the others practically pushed against Seth to get closer to me. I had to hold in a laugh. “Um, I was going to head out and do something I like but can’t do often, and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come. I mean—”

I snapped my mouth shut when Seth, Toby, and Paxon smiled at me, clearly amused with how I was reacting. Bryan looked like he wanted to ask me to clarify whatever I just word-vomited at them. Justin was curious with the way his eyebrows rose as he waited. Why did asking them make me feel so nervous? It wasn’t like I was asking all of them out on a date.

After taking a deep breath, I tried again. “I am going out tonight and wanted to know if you guys wanted to come with me. If you have a curfew, you’re more than welcome to leave whenever you have to. They kick us out at midnight anyway.”

The boys blinked, staring at me before glancing at one another, each showing their own version of surprise. I kept my face blank because this was a big step for me. I was going to let them in. They knew it too.

Toby was the first to respond by nodding his head. He was practically jumping up and down. “Fuck yeah!”

Everyone else ended up agreeing, not needing any time to think about it.