“Thanks, Cal.” She closed her eyes again. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Thirty minutes later, her doctor came in. “Well, the good news is that I don’t see any bleeding around your brain, and there are no fractures. But with the symptoms you’re exhibiting, I’m sure you have that concussion I talked about. I’m going to keep you at least one night for observation. A concussion is nothing to fool with.”

He patted her hand. “Now you just sit tight while I do the paperwork for a room, because they go fast around here. And I’ll send a nurse in with some good pain meds for that IV. Then I’ll come back and stitch up that cheek and lip.”

Vic was stoic during the numbing shots and through the suturing process.

By the time they got up to a room, she was completely exhausted.

“Do you want something to eat, sweetheart?” he asked as she was transferred to a bed.

She shook her head. “I just want to sleep.”

The nurse said, “I have more pain medicine for you, Vic. I’ll write on the board when you can have it next, okay?” She pointed to a wall where a dry-erase board hung.

“Thanks.” Vic closed her eyes.

Cal sat down in the chair by the bed. She reached out, searching for his hand, and he grasped it. “I’m here, honey. I’ll stay all night.”

He wouldn’t leave her side for anything in the world. And when she felt better, he had a lot to talk to her about.

Chapter Twelve

Cal gave Vic a sipof water and then clasped her hand again. She’d awakened in pain several times during the night. He’d called the nurse in to give her pain medication just as soon as she was allowed to have it, but she’d still suffered. It had broken his heart to see her hurting like that. He was going to talk to her doctor today to see if she could have something stronger.

Vic looked at him through her bruised and swollen eyes. “I must be a pretty sight.”

“Honey, you’re always gorgeous to me. Don’t you know that by now?” He squeezed her hand.

A tear emerged and slowly rolled down her cheek. He took out his wrinkled handkerchief and wiped it off.

She sighed. “I still have a headache. I guess that’s normal after being knocked around, huh?”

He shrugged. “Probably. We’ll ask the doc about it when he comes by. I don’t think you should leave today.”

She closed her eyes. “If only I could go home.”