Chapter Ten

“Istill don’t feelgood about this,” Cal said the next morning as he backed out of the driveway. “I think we need to get to the bottom of this leak before we start showing ourselves in expected places.”

“It sucks,” she grumbled, and glanced to where her gun rode on the console with Cal’s. “I’ll just be glad when we get to the office. I feel exposed out here on the road like this.”

“You and me both,” he said as he pulled out onto the main drag.

A few blocks later, he glanced in the rearview mirror and frowned. Several cars back was a black SUV.

“How late do you think you’ll work today?” Vic asked.

“When would you like me to pick you up?”

She shrugged. “I usually work until five when I’m here in El Paso. Does that work for you? I can always leave earlier or stay later.”

“Five is good.” He glanced in the mirror again. The car was still there. It was probably nothing and he was just being paranoid.

He was glad that they’d eaten breakfast at the house and didn’t need to stop anywhere. He continued on for about ten more blocks until he came to the light where they would turn right. The SUV was now two cars back. It bothered him that it hadn’t turned off yet.

He glanced at Vic. “I’m not sure, but I think we might have a tail. Don’t turn around.”

She stiffened. “Where?”

“Two cars behind. A black SUV. It’s been there since not long after we left the house.”

“Shit!” She grabbed her gun and chambered a round. Then she did the same with his, and handed it to him.

“Thanks. I hope we don’t need these.”

“Better safe than sorry.”

The light turned green, and the car in front of them turned right. He followed it and watched the rearview mirror as the car behind him turned too. Where was the black SUV? Would it continue straight?

“Hell!” It had turned too. And this street wasn’t as busy. The SUV could easily make more moves.

“Get ready. Shit may go down now that we’re off the main road.”

Vic looked in her side mirror. “I see them. Looks like at least two guys.”

“Yeah.” The car ahead of them had turned off, and Cal sped up just to test the waters, outpacing the car behind them by 200 feet.

Suddenly, the SUV pulled around the car and came toward them at speed.