“Oh yeah.” He smiled. “Just call, all right?”

“I will.”

Her pulse sped up as she watched him head toward his truck. He wasn’t just a fine-looking man; he was an incredibly nice one too. And they’d be working this case together for a while. Hmm.


Cal checked into theBest Western fifteen minutes later. He couldn’t get Vic off his mind. They’d been acquainted for years, but this had been the first time they’d shared a private meal or spent any significant time together. Unsurprisingly, he’d liked her.

It was too bad she’d been there before the child died. It would stick with her. Although, for Azul’s sake, he was thankful. He just hoped that the girl and her mom had family to look after them now.

When he got to his room, he made a call to the Fort Stockton police and soon got the right person on the line. “Any luck locating relatives on the incident this morning?” He gave the address.

“Let me check.” After a pause of several moments, the officer said, “The mother may have some relatives in Mexico, but we haven’t been able to connect with them yet. She’s a single mom and apparently never married.”

Damn. “Keep me posted, will you?” He gave the man his number. “I’ll help with the mother and child’s burial expenses if nothing comes of it.” He could get some others to pitch in if it came to that. He knew that Vic would be up for it. He just couldn’t stand the thought of a child in a pauper’s grave.

As he undressed, his thoughts returned to Vic. Would she really call if things got rough again? Sometimes those in law enforcement had a hard time reaching out. He hoped for her sake that she wasn’t one of them.

He briefly considered going down to the hot tub and turning on the jets. He’d stayed at the hotel before and it was definitely a relaxing experience, but if there were a lot of people there, he’d pass.

Instead, he took a quick shower and then settled at the desk to write his report. When he came to the point where he entered the house, he paused. Azul flashed in front of him. Her poor body lay on the floor, hands folded on her bloody chest in the position that Vic had left her in. Her little face had looked peaceful, and he had no doubt that that was Vic’s doing. Being held in her last moments had taken Azul’s fear away. Vic should know that—should remember it when she grieved.

He kept it clinical and described the scene, then moved on.

Thirty minutes later, he ended with the fact that he and Vic would follow up with the shooter, one Hector Escareno, at the hospital the following morning.

After reading it over and making a few minor changes, he saved the report and closed his laptop. He walked over to the window and twitched the curtain back, feeling distracted and on edge. A murder scene always affected him that way. And when there was a cartel connection, it was even worse.

It was still too early for bed, and he was too hyped up to watch TV. Did he really feel like heading out for a beer somewhere?

He lay down and scrunched a pillow under his head, realizing that this was going to be another restless night.

His text tone sounded, and he picked up his phone. Vic?

I’ve almost finished my report, and I’m climbing the walls. Have you done yours yet?

So they had the same hyped-up mindset in common. He sent:

Mine’s done, and I’m restless as hell too. Wanna do something?

She sent right back:

Are you a confirmed beer man, or can you handle some good wine?

He smiled.

I’ve been known to enjoy wine from time to time.

She texted:

We have time for a glass or two at The Grey Mule Wine Saloon. I’ll meet you there.

He got back up and put on his jeans and a clean shirt, his heart beating faster than it had all evening. This was going to be a nice way to pass the time.


Fifteen minutes later, he pulled up in front of the historic Grey Mule building. Built in the 1880s, it had housed U.S. Army troops and had originally served the Texas Rangers and cowboys passing through as a safe haven. Cal had been to the place once since its conversion to a bar and had enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere and good wines on offer.