He texted:

Baby, I do too.

Oh God. That “baby” did her in. She wasn’t sure how to respond. There was so much she felt like saying, and nothing she could.

If I could have a long-term relationship, I’d like it to be with you.

He texted:

I was thinking about the same thing earlier today. I’d love that, Vic.

Oh Lord. She was getting in deeper and deeper. She should stop this now. Instead, she sent:

Maybe someday.

He texted.

Someday soon. I’ll dream about that.

Oh God. He’d be dreaming about her? She was sure that she’d dream about him, too, the way this night was going.

Good night, Cal. Sleep well.

He sent:

I don’t know about that. This bed’s pretty damn lonely.

She smiled.

Mine is too. See you tomorrow.

Maybe now she could sleep. Or maybe not. His texts were almost like having him here beside her. Damn. She had it bad. She was so tempted to continue seeing him. So very tempted.

But she couldn’t afford to have rumors flying around. She had a sterling reputation where her love life was concerned, and she needed it to stay that way.

She turned over and tried to convince her revved-up body of the truth of that statement. Memories of the night before flowed through her. She could feel his arms around her, his hands touching her. Oh Lord, the man knew how to make love. To say that she desired him was an understatement.

She rolled onto her back, her fingers slipping between her folds. Just talking to Cal had made her wet. This would be another night where she satisfied her passions alone.


Vic arrived at thesafe house at midnight the next evening. She hadn’t quite completed her report so hadn’t submitted it yet, although she’d emailed the important details to her ASAC. She’d decided to complete it the next day with a clear head and had left her laptop back at the hotel. Her neck and back ached from the long hours she’d spent at the desk, and she was ready to sit back and relax during her shift.

At her knock, Cal opened the door. His smile warmed her all the way through.

“How was he today?” she asked as she walked inside. Would she ever get used to how tall Cal was?

“Jumpy. Now that he’s given up his boss, he’s scared stiff.”

“We’ll get him into WITSEC tomorrow, and he’ll be fine,” she said as she headed into the living room. “What time did he hit the sack?”

“Not long ago. Like I said, he was jittery. He watched TV until I suggested that he turn in.”

She turned to him. “It’s good seeing you. How did you sleep last night?”

He heaved a sigh. “Poorly. I kept waking up to an empty bed.” He smiled. “Feel guilty yet?”

She laughed. “Totally, except I slept like shit, too. Same scenario.”