She readied a tray with the family’s drinks and walked toward the table. She smiled as she passed out the glasses. The family was still studying their menus, so she let them have some more time.

Getting to know Mav had shown her that she’d been wrong about men. He was gentle and kind and was a great listener. It was always nice when he was able to come in at a time when she could take her break and chat with him. She sensed his loneliness from time to time and when she did, she always tried to make him laugh.

She went back over to clear his table. The café was getting busy, and the busboy hadn’t gotten to it yet. She smiled as she picked up the twenty-five-dollar tip. Mav always tipped her extravagantly. She’d told him more times than she could remember that he didn’t need to do that, but he’d always just smile.

Samantha, another waitress at the café and her best friend, walked over. “I see Mav came in this afternoon.”

Jaz smiled. “He’s been out of town for a while. He came in for dinner.”

“When is that man ever going to ask you out?”

Jaz frowned. “Our relationship isn’t like that. We’re close friends, that’s all. He doesn’t flirt with me like the other men do. It’s nice to be able to just be myself with him. You know what I mean?”

Samantha shrugged. “It’d be nicer if you were dating, don’t you think?”

Jaz rolled her eyes. “Girl, you have a one-track mind.”

Samantha laughed. “You know it.”

The door opened, and another customer entered.

Samantha said, “You know I’m right, girl,” and walked off.

Jaz shook her head. But a part of her couldn’t help but wonder if what her friend said was true.