Tomorrow, they were going to stay here at the resort and do just that. There were five pools, and they planned on swimming at one with a poolside bar. Then, tomorrow night, they’d purchased advance tickets to attend the hotel’s Waikiki Starlight Luau.

During their stay, they were also going to visit the Pearl Harbor National Museum. Their only physically demanding excursion was going to be a one-and-a-half-mile hike into the rainforest to Manoa Falls. Vic had been intrigued to learn that part of Jurassic Park had been filmed there.

One of the other things they were going to do was visit the beautiful Iolani Palace, the home of Hawaii’s last monarchs, and they were looking forward to learning more about Hawaii’s unique culture and history.

She and Cal both worked hard and wanted this honeymoon vacation to be as laid-back and relaxing as possible. That’s why they’d chosen a resort to stay in. Being able to enjoy themselves without a hectic schedule had been a huge selling point.

Cal took a swallow of his wine and leaned back in his chair. “Doesn’t this feel wonderful, honey? Five whole days to relax and enjoy ourselves. I’m glad we’ve only planned one excursion per day. I don’t want to rush around and get tired out.”

“I agree.” She reached across the table for his hand. “Spending time with you is the most important thing to me. Let’s agree that if we’re tired, we’ll cancel sightseeing, okay?”

“I like the sound of that.” He squeezed her fingers. “It never ceases to amaze me how we’re always on the same wavelength. I was just thinking that I didn’t want to get so hung up on our schedule that I couldn’t relax.” He rubbed his palm across his brow. “This last case really took it out of me, you know?”

He’d been on a string of small-town bank robberies and had worked hard with several agencies to run the criminals down.

“I know, honey. I’m beat too. We’ll take it easy and play each day by ear.”

Their meals arrived, and her pasta looked fabulous. She took a bite and closed her eyes to savor it. “Mm, this is wonderful, Cal. How’s yours?”

She watched him take another bite of his mahi-mahi. “Delicious. Do you want a bite?”

She smiled. He always wanted to share his food. “Sure.” She leaned toward him, and he placed a forkful into her mouth. “Oh, Lordy, that’s good. You made a great choice, husband.” She scooped up a forkful of hers. “Here, try mine.”

“Oh, I love that sauce,” he said after swallowing.

This all felt so wonderfully domestic. It made her heart melt.

They talked quietly as they ate, and her whole body relaxed. When she finally set down her fork, she said, “I love you, Cal. This was lovely.”

“Love you more.” He smiled as he stole her favorite line.

They headed out to the beach, where they both took off their shoes. There were quite a few people enjoying a late walk, but they ignored them as they looked out to sea and enjoyed the play of moonlight on the waves.

Cal put his arm around her shoulders. “I love the sound of the ocean. It’s one of the reasons that I go to Padre Island at least once a year. It’s such a relaxing, rhythmical sound.”

“I enjoy it too. I often have the sound of waves playing on my laptop while I work.”

He kissed her temple. “Yet another thing we share in common. I never thought of playing ocean sounds while I’m writing my reports. I’ll try that.”

She leaned her head against his shoulder, her heart so full of joy she could burst. How could she be this lucky? To have the love of a man like Cal was incredible. “I’m so glad that we’re finally starting our life together, sweetheart.”

“I am too. We’re finally in our new home. No more apartment living. And I really like our new furniture.”

“Me too.”

Soon they turned and headed back toward the tower. She brought his fingers to her lips. “Everything’s just perfect. I want to have a blast while we’re here, but I’ll also be glad to get back home.”

“Hopefully I won’t be traveling again for a while, honey. You either. We’ve both had our hands full recently,” he said.

“I know. I’ve been praying for some quiet time.”

When they finally got back to their room, he pulled her into his arms. “Now for the good stuff, beautiful.”

She laughed. “The good stuff, huh?”

“Hell, yeah.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “But first I have to make a call.”

While she unzipped her dress, she heard him telling someone their room number and then, “I’m ready for that bottle of champagne now.”