She pulled him down for a kiss, making it count. “Thank you, honey.”

She wore her long hair pulled back in a clip, and a lock had escaped. He brushed it back from her cheek. “I love you, sweetheart.” A thrill of joy swept through him. He was finally married, and Vic would be by his side for the rest of his life.

She took his hand and kissed the palm. “Cal, I wish I had words to tell you how much I adore you. I’d pretty much figured I’d always focus on my career, but you changed all that. Thank you for caring for me.”

He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I’ll always take care of you, Vic. Always. And you know what I like?”

She smiled. “What?”

He kissed her forehead. “You take care of me too, honey. I depend on that. We’re a team—and a good one. We have each other’s backs.”

She hugged him tight. “That’s right, we do.”

He walked out to deeper water until the waves broke over Vic’s chest.

“This is wonderful, honey,” she said, looking off toward the horizon. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“It sure is, and so are you.” He kissed her temple, feeling warm and happy.

There were a lot of people in the water and on the beach, but he felt as though they were in their own little bubble.

Vic returned to her feet and tested the ocean floor with her toes, looking for shells. He did the same as one wave after another washed past. The water relaxed him, giving him a gentle massage.

After about an hour, Vic slipped her arm around his waist. “Shall we go lie on the beach? I’d like to get some sun.”

He put his arm around her shoulders. “Sounds good, beautiful.” They’d swum out farther, then had come back and floated on their backs, riding the tops of the waves. It had been fun, but he was ready for a rest.

They laid out their towels side by side, and Vic reached for his hand once they were comfortable. He closed his eyes, satisfied in a way that he’d never been before. Everything was right in his world.


That evening, Vic,her arm hooked with Cal’s, walked into the Bali Oceanfront restaurant in the Rainbow Tower. They’d come in from the beach and showered and then had taken a long, wonderful nap.

They were led to a table, and Cal seated her, a sweet habit that she’d gotten used to over the time since they’d been together.

He picked up the menu they’d been given. “I’m famished. How about you?” His loving gaze swept over her from head to torso. “You look gorgeous tonight, honey. That bright yellow brings out the beautiful color of your skin.”

Even after all the time they’d been together, he still made her feel incredibly attractive. “Thanks, Cal. You always know what to say.”

Her formfitting dress had been one of the many purchases she’d made in preparation for their honeymoon. It had been a long time since she’d invested much in her wardrobe, but Maria had gone shopping with her, and it had actually been fun.

Cal wore a short-sleeved island-print shirt in a cooling tropical fabric. He’d ordered several of them online and, before purchasing them, had asked her if he’d look ridiculous wearing them. She’d snorted. As if that handsome hunk could look ridiculous in anything.

She studied her menu for a few minutes. It all looked delicious, but she wanted to try something new. “I think I’ll have the Seafood Tagliatelle. It has shrimp, scallops, mahi mahi, lobster, and a brandy cream sauce. Yummy!”

“I can’t make up my mind. Several things look great, and I’m hungry as a horse.” After a moment, he said, “I think I’ll have the Sautéed Fresh Mahi-Mahi. It comes with jasmine rice pilaf, roasted red bell peppers, asparagus, baby tomatoes, and pesto butter sauce.”

“Mm, that sounds good.” Vic opened her napkin and put it on her lap. “This place is really busy. It’s a good thing you made reservations before we came.”

The waiter came by and they placed their orders, adding a glass of wine each.

Their wine arrived a few minutes later, and she held out her glass. “To my sweet, handsome husband. May we live happily ever after.”

He tapped his glass to hers. “To my amazing wife. I’ll love you forever, honey.”

A warm wave swept through her as their glasses clinked again. She was so very lucky that Cal loved her. It was a gift that she’d never take for granted.

Now that they were finally here in Hawaii, the tension lines on his forehead and around his eyes had softened. They both needed this time to relax.