“Really? Where were your brothers?”

“Granny took us individually, I’m sure so that she could make us feel extra special. She always told me that I was her favorite, but maybe she told my brothers that too. Although, I’m the only one that she taught to play cards. My brothers were a rowdy lot. They most likely didn’t want to learn.”

Vic shook her head. “No, you were her favorite. How could you not be? You’re sensitive and attentive, intelligent—and I’ll bet you were a handsome little towhead, too.”

He laughed. “I was towheaded, all right.”

“You were definitely her favorite.”

“So, what are we playing?” he asked.

“Do you remember the rules of canasta?”

“I do. I love that game.” He reached for her cards. “It takes two decks.”

“Right. I remember that much. And you collect cards of the same number. Seven makes a canasta, and the extra one makes a great discard.”

“That’s right.” He went on to explain the rest of the rules. After shuffling the two desks together, he went into the kitchen and brought back a chair, setting it across the coffee table from her. Then he dealt the cards.

There was no clock in the house, and he couldn’t turn on his phone, so he had no idea how long they played, but they’d each won two games and it was late when they were ready to turn in.

He sat back in the chair and raised his arms over his head, stretching out the kinks in his back.

“Your room or mine?” Vic asked.

He smiled. “Lady’s choice.”

“Yours, then. I’ll shower first and then knock on your door.”

“I’d like that.” He stood up and helped her to her feet. “But there’s no need to knock. Just come on in.”

Her room had its own bathroom, so he used the one down the hall. He stood under the hot water for a long time, letting it pound his shoulders. He knew he was doing the right thing, but ignoring his captain was weighing on him. It probably bothered him more because of his time in the Marines. He rolled his shoulders back and forth, loosening the muscles. It was what it was.

They’d also had to buy towels. Brett had told him that there weren’t any in the house, so Cal had bought two for each bathroom. There was a washer and dryer, and he’d bought laundry detergent. They’d get by, and hopefully they wouldn’t be here long. Surely one of their agencies would get to the bottom of the leak within the next few days? With modern technology, how hard could it be?

He finished showering and returned to his room. Talk about bare bones. He put his clothing in the dresser and his toiletries on top of it and crawled into bed. It had to be the wee hours of the morning, and he was exhausted from the long hours of driving and the stress of worrying about the cartel. Even though he figured that he’d outsmarted them, being cocky was a good way to get killed.

Not long after, Vic walked in. She wore a black nightie and looked fabulous. Every time he looked at her poor face, though, he wanted to kill someone. Her eyes were swollen half shut and bruised black and blue. It was a wonder she’d been able to see her cards. The swelling in her lips had gone down a little, though, and the knot on her forehead looked less inflamed.

He pulled back the covers. “Come here, sweetie.”

She got into bed and snuggled against him. Lord, she felt good. His pulse sped up, and he told himself to calm down. Vic needed her rest. He patted her back. “Feel better after your shower?” Her hair was dry. She must have used a shower cap.

“Much better. Thanks.”

He ran his fingers up and down her back. Her skin was so silky. He wondered if his hands were rough. He should put lotion on them more often. He had it at home and used it occasionally, but he often forgot.

“You feel good,” she said with a sigh. “But tonight I’m going to scratch your back.”

“No way. You’re exhausted,” he said emphatically.

“Yes, way. You’re tired, too, and you did all the driving. Now, turn over, mister.”

He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

Her nails were short but felt great. And she scratched just perfectly, hard but not too hard. He shivered all over, it felt so good.

“Do I need to do it harder or softer?” she asked.