Cal kissed the top of her head again. “Can’t relax?”
“My mind’s going round and round. I can’t make it stop. Taking that nap in the car probably wasn’t the smartest thing.”
“Why don’t you turn over? I’ll scratch your back. My granny used to do that for me when I spent time with her in the summers. She’d put me right to sleep.”
“You had a good granny.”
“I surely did.”
She groaned as she turned over. “Damn those assholes.”
“My feelings exactly,” Cal said.
She carefully adjusted her cheek on the soft pillow. It felt better than lying on Cal’s muscular chest, she had to admit.
She felt Cal’s knees touch the back of hers, and then he began to scratch. Oh, God, it felt heavenly. She’d only taken one punch to the kidneys, so, for the most part, she could enjoy his gentle touch.
He scratched and scratched, slowly moving over every inch of her back and shoulders. He even scratched down her arms. Her mind slowed, and she felt herself melting into the bed. She pictured him running his fingernails over her and felt incredibly loved. Warmth spread through her, and, at some point, she remembered nothing.
Cal smiled when heheard a soft snore. Vic had finally drifted off. It had taken a long time. The woman broke his heart. He knew that she had to have been terrified the whole time she was being held by the cartel, but she’d never said a word.
He’d wanted to make love to her, to make her forget that terror in the best way he knew how. But her poor body wasn’t up to it. Not yet. She needed time to heal. So he’d done what he could, and it had worked.
He moved closer, spooning her, giving her the solace of his body should a nightmare wake her. He could see a bit now, his eyes having adjusted to the darkness. Her thick dark hair splayed across her shoulders. She had beautiful hair—and yet she always wore it pulled back into a ponytail. Not for the first time, he wondered what she’d look like all fixed up and wearing a dress. She’d be a knockout.
He’d have to ask her if she’d been a tomboy growing up. He’d bet she had been. After all, she’d wanted to be a firefighter. He grinned at that. She’d make a good one. She had courage to burn. He sighed and kissed her head. “Goodnight, beautiful,” he whispered under his breath. “I’m here if you wake up. I’ll take care of you, honey. Don’t you worry.”
Now he had to turnhismind off and get to sleep. But, with her snuggled against him, that shouldn’t be too hard. He’d fall asleep and dream of her. All was well until tomorrow.
Vic woke to discoverthat she’d turned over in the night and now lay snuggled against Cal’s chest again. Bright sunlight streamed through a tiny crack in the curtains. It must be late. Her stomach grumbled. She rose and, despite her sore lips, brushed a soft kiss across Cal’s mouth.
His sleepy eyes opened, and he smiled. “Good morning, beautiful.”
“Pft!Take a good look at me, cowboy.”
His arms went around her. “You’ll always be beautiful to me, Vic.”
Her heart lurched. God, he was wonderful. What had she ever done to deserve a man like him?
“Thanks, Cal.” She looked into his eyes. They were warm and kind, and there was something else there.Surelyhe didn’t desire her in this condition?
“How’re you feeling?” He ran his fingers up and down her back, sending tingles racing up her spine.
“More rested. I slept well. I’m sure it was because you’re with me. I hate not having my gun, but you made me feel safe.”
“I told you, no boogeymen when I’m around.” He brushed a lock of hair back from her face. “It’s time for a pain pill. I know you must be hurting. Let me get it for you.” He eased her to the side and got up, putting on the jeans he’d bought and heading for the bathroom with the cup from the dresser.
She lay there, thinking how lucky she was. She’d come out of an incredibly dangerous situation alive, and she was with the handsomest man she’d ever known. More than that, he was the kindest man as well.
He walked back in and took a pill from the bottle. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he said quietly, “Take this, honey. You’ll feel much better in a little while. Then we can go find some breakfast.”
She took the pill and then patted the bed beside her. “We don’t have to get up yet, do we?”
“Nope.” He slid off his jeans and climbed in beside her. She tucked herself against his chest again and he held her close, saying, “I enjoy holding you like this. We fit perfectly together. Are you comfortable?”