Chapter Eight
Vic put her hair upin one of the towels, groaning as she raised her arms, and then dried herself off. Cal washing her hair had been one of the most sensuous experiences of her life. Who knew something so simple could be so erotic? Here she was, beaten to a pulp, and her body had responded like she was fixing to take the man to bed.
She looked at the mirror and grimaced. Lord, she was a horror show all by herself. Both her eyes were turning black, and her busted lip was swollen to half its normal size again. Both cheeks were gaining deep purple bruises. Her forehead was red and purple and deeply abraded from the guy’s ring. That punch had probably caused the concussion.
It would take forever to get back to looking normal again. She noticed the toothpaste and toothbrush on the sink and almost smiled, remembering at the last second how painful that would be. Cal had thought of everything on his shopping trip.
A few minutes later, she walked slowly and painfully back to the room, clad only in a towel. She hoped she wouldn’t bump into any of the other guests. True, it was the early hours of the morning, but still. Someone might get up to go to the bathroom.
When she entered, she immediately noticed a dark-blue nightie laid out on the bed, together with a pair of bikini panties. He reallyhadthought of everything.
He said, “I’ll go shower while you get dressed.”
She felt guilty when he grabbed a hand towel to dry with. She’d hogged both bath towels. He took his clothes with him to the shower. Obviously, a hand towel wouldn’t cover him. She bit back a grin at the visual that gave her.
She quickly donned the nightie and underwear and then spotted the hairbrush. Her heart warmed. She hadn’t even thought about how she’d brush out her hair yet, but he had. What an amazing man he was.
The hotel shampoo was cheap, and her hair was terribly tangled without conditioner, but she was eventually able to get it all brushed out. By that time, Cal had returned, looking refreshed and more relaxed.
His clean scent filled the room. He must have really lathered up with that little bar of soap. She’d turned the overhead light off, and the bedside light on his side was on.
He took everything off except his boxers and got into bed. “Ready to turn the light off?”
“Lord, yes. I wonder what time it is.” The room had no kind of clock, and Cal was keeping his phone turned off.
“It’s probably around two or so. We’ll sleep in late in the morning and then see what kind of breakfast we can find around here.” He switched the light off, and the room was suddenly pitch black.
She slid down in the bed until her head was on the pillow. After a few minutes, she couldn’t stand it. “Cal?”
“Can I snuggle with you?”
He reached out his arm. “Of course, honey. Come here.”
She nestled her head on his chest and hooked her calf across his leg. Snaking her arm around his waist, she pulled herself tightly against him.
He kissed the top of her head. “You’re safe now, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
His gun lay on the nightstand in easy reach. She didn’t know if the cartel had taken hers, or if it had been left at the safe house, but she felt naked and exposed sleeping without it.
Cal slowly stroked her arm, his fingertips gentle. She closed her eyes, focusing on his touch. Her cheek hurt since she was lying on it, but it was worth it. Only now could she admit how terrified she’d been since she’d first heard the door being breached at the DEA safe house. If only Cal had been there. The two of them could have taken that crew.
No, she was glad he hadn’t been there. She couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to him. She could admit it to herself now: she wanted a relationship with him. He was worth whatever cost she’d pay. At least they weren’t working closely on the case anymore. Hector was dead. With no witness to prosecute the cartel lieutenant with, that whole thing was a bust. Of course, the other intel they’d gotten was a bonus. The tunnel locations were a real coup.
God, I’ve got to stop thinking about this.She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.