“Yes, ma’am,” Cal said.

She nodded. “I was just in there, and he was asleep. He—”

Vic interrupted. “So he’s been awake?”

“Yes, briefly. He’s disoriented and has only spoken Spanish—”

“So he’s talking. We need to get in there—”

“No, ma’am! Dr. Graham said that he wasn’t to have visitors today. You’ll need to come back tomorrow. I could have told you that when I got the call, but I knew you’d want an update on his condition.”

“Did Dr. Graham say how long he’d keep the patient in the hospital?” Cal asked.

The nurse shook her head. “He didn’t put that in the chart. I can tell you that the head wound doesn’t appear to be too serious. I expect he should be more coherent in the morning.”

Cal nodded. “Thank you. We’ll come back then.” He handed her his card. “Will you please put that with his chart? I want to get a call if for some reason the doctor decides to release him tomorrow.”

She put it in her pocket. “I’ll see what we can do.”

They headed back toward the front doors. Vic, shoulders stiff, strode ahead of him. “I can’t believe this crap. The creep just killed three people and they’re coddling him? It just freaking pisses me off.”

“Yep. It sucks.” Cal was just as frustrated as she was. He’d been glad to see the officer posted outside the room, though. The skull tattoo between the guy’s eyes signified not only that he’d killed before, but that he’d killed many times. This was a very dangerous man.

As they got to the front door, he said, “How about K-Bob’s? I could use a good steak right now.”

She shrugged. “Okay by me.” You could cut the tension in her voice with a knife.

“I’ll meet you there.” He had one goal at dinner: getting Vic to talk about Azul. He knew from experience that talking was the only way to get past the trauma.

Chapter Two

Vic entered K-Bob’sand scanned the dining room for an empty table. Spotting one behind the railing at the back that should afford her and Cal some privacy, she headed in that direction. As soon as she sat down, Cal came through the door. She raised her hand and waved, catching his attention. The tall, blond Ranger cut quite a figure as he strode across the restaurant.

As he took the chair beside her, he said, “Hungry?”

She sighed. “I don’t know. My stomach’s tied up in knots. I think I’ll start with that coffee we talked about.”