The day was long and tedious. Hector was holding back, but Vic kept pushing him for names. In particular, she wanted the name of the cartel lieutenant further up Hector’s chain. Hector ducked and dove every time she got close.

Finally, well after 7:00 p.m., she said, “Look, Hector, your WITSEC depends on this name. You’ve given us some good stuff, but there’s really nothing to write home about unless we get the name. Now, do you want lifetime protection or not?”

He looked off through the sliding glass doors and scratched his chin. “They’ll kill me, you know. This WITSEC, it won’t matter. They’ll kill me.”

“Hector, if you follow the rules, nobody’ll find you. Witnesses get found when they don’t listen to their protection officers,” Cal said patiently.

An hour later, and only after Vic again threatened to leak word of his cooperation, Hector gave up the name. She grilled him for further information—the man’s location, habits, security surrounding him—anything Hector could remember.

At 10:00 p.m., they called it a night. In the garage, Vic reached out her hand. “Great job, partner. We got what we wanted today.”

Cal smiled, his grip firm. “We sure did. You were awesome. I’ll work on my report in the morning as well.”

She searched his eyes, then smiled. “It’s been good working with you, Cal. I mean that.”

He nodded. “Likewise, Vic. You take care, now.”

He climbed into his truck, wishing that things between them were different but knowing that they couldn’t be. At least, not for a while.

As he backed out of the narrow garage, she waved.

He smiled and waved back. After last night, his bed was going to be damn lonely. Hell.


Back at her hotel,Vic took a quick shower and then decided to get started on the report while the details were fresh in her mind, even though the session was recorded. She liked to begin that way and then add details from the recording if she was unclear about something. She’d already contacted USMS, and they were going to come by in two days to take custody of Escareno.

After a few minutes, though, thoughts of Cal intruded on her focus. She’d wondered if things would be awkward between them, but he’d been easygoing and straightforward throughout the day. It’d been a great relief to know that she could count on his professionalism, and he hadn’t seemed to resent her calling a halt to their relationship—if that was what it could be called.

Now that she was alone in her room, she missed his presence, and memories of the night before flashed before her. Her hands left the keyboard, and she leaned back in the chair, letting the scenes unfold, enjoying the sensual feelings and passion again.

She sighed. At least she knew that he’d keep their relationship solely between them. Cal wasn’t the type of man to kiss and tell.

She certainly couldn’t have their hookup get out. One of them might get taken off the case, and they worked well as a team. And God forbid it be her. This deal was a career-maker. She needed everything to go right.

But she still felt unusually connected to Cal, as if they’d shared something very special. He excited her, and despite how disastrous another sexual encounter might be, she longed for it.

Damn, this line of thinking was getting her nowhere. She refocused her thoughts on the task ahead of her. After several more false starts, however, she gave up. The handsome Texas Ranger was all she could think about. With a sigh, she shut her laptop and climbed into bed.

After lying there wide awake for nearly fifteen minutes, she made up her mind and grabbed her phone, texting:

Cal, all I can think of is last night. I’m exhausted, but I can’t sleep.

He shot right back:

I’m having the same problem. I tried writing my report with no luck. You were too much on my mind. We’re a heck of a mess, huh?

She sent:

I guess we are, but I know we’re doing the right thing.

After a moment, he texted:

You’re right, we are. But it doesn’t feel that way right now.

No, it damn sure didn’t. She missed him something awful.

I wish things were different.