Finally, dressed in a gold silk nightie and a short, black robe, she stared at the door. Would the cowboy be on time? Damn, he looked sexy in those khaki Wranglers he wore. Were they special order? The only Wranglers she’d ever seen cowboys wear were blue.

The Texas Rangers sure dressed well. Some of the older Rangers just wore khaki pants, but most of the younger ones wore the khaki jeans. And, boy, did they look fine. She’d never met an ugly Ranger. Was being handsome a prerequisite?

A knock sounded at her door. When she answered, Cal raised his brows. “Well, hello, beautiful.”

She smiled. “Hey, handsome. Come on in.”

He was dressed in a fresh Ranger uniform. Was he planning to leave for work from her room? Her heart thumped.

He tossed his bag on the bed and took her by the hand, his gaze taking her in from head to toe. “Now I know what you’d look like in a dress.”

She shook her head. “A veryshortdress.”

He pulled her into his arms and grinned. “The very best kind.”

Even though he held her gently, she could sense his strength in his arms. Although she was five feet eight, he towered over her with his nearly six-and-a-half-foot frame, broad shoulders, and wide chest. And, oh, did she love that in a man. She undid the top button of his shirt. “Let’s get you out of this without making any wrinkles in that great starch job. Do you pay extra for that, by the way?”

He chuckled. “Heavy starch costs the same, Miss Nosey.”

She laughed and unbuttoned the cuffs, then carefully removed the shirt from his shoulders. “I’ll just hang this up for you.” She glanced at his jeans. “I expect those to be off and ready for me when I get back, mister.”

“Yes, mistress.”

She cracked up. After hanging the shirt in the closet, she turned and saw him standing in his boxers. A large, unmistakable bulge caught her attention. Oh Lordy, her man was well-made. She retrieved his jeans, carefully keeping her eyes on his upper body.

Before she could turn away, he said, “Can I get a quick kiss? I’ve waited a whole forty-five minutes.”

She grinned. “Well, thatisan awfully long time.” She stood on her tiptoes and swept a soft kiss across his lips.

He sighed. “That’s better. Now I can hang up my own jeans.” With a grin he took them from her and strode to the closet.

She stared after him. Damn, he looked just as sexy from behind.

When he returned, he said, “I thought about bringing some beer, but we have to get up too early in the morning. I’m leaving from here, if that’s okay.”

She put her arms around his waist and looked up at him. “That’s perfect. We can both sleep in longer.”

“What time do you want to be at the safe house?” he asked her, setting his phone.

“Eight should be good.”

He kissed her forehead. “Eight it is.”

She moved to the door and turned out the overhead lights. “Let’s hit the sack, cowboy.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He pulled back the covers and got in bed, sliding over to one side and patting the pillows beside him. “Just waiting on you, gorgeous.”

He always made her feel good about herself. She knew that she was kind of pretty—the attention men paid her proved that. But gorgeous? She didn’t think so.

She untied her robe and slipped it off.

Cal blew out a breath. “You look amazing, woman. Come here.” He held out a hand, beckoning her to bed.

She got in and snuggled beside him. He put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “Tired?”

She shrugged. “A little, I guess. It was a long day.” She looked up at him. “But I’m excited that you’re here.”

He smiled. “I am too, baby.” He caressed her cheek, looking into her eyes. “I’m glad you asked me to come tonight. I want to get closer to you. To learn more about you.”