They relaxed in silence for a while. She was intensely aware of his body next to hers. Occasionally, his leg brushed her thigh, sending a rush of sensual tingles racing through her. She didn’t feel professional. She felt alive for the first time since... Since Azul.

She didn’t let herself think of the shooter or the horror he’d caused. She thought about her apartment and how she needed to tidy it up when she got home. She’d been too busy before heading to Fort Stockton. She hated leaving town with her place messy, but sometimes it happened.

“Why am I seeing a frown line on that pretty forehead of yours?” Cal asked in a teasing voice.

So he thought she had a pretty forehead. Nice. “It’s dumb. I’m thinking about my messy apartment and how I need to clean it.”

“Are you one of those perfect housekeepers?”

There was no judgement in his voice, only curiosity. “Oh, heck no. I just like to have it straight before I leave town so I can come back and relax.”

He nodded. “I’m the same way. I don’t like coming back to a mess either.”

So they had that in common. “Do you have any hobbies?”

He was quiet for a little while. “I used to love rodeoing. It was hard giving that up when I went overseas. I love my horse. He’s an old man now. He’d make a good babysitter for someone learning to ride.”


He smiled. “A horse that won’t spook and that can teach a beginner how to ride.”

“Oh, he sounds like the perfect horse for me.” She met his gaze. “I’ve ridden a few times, but I wouldn’t say I’m good at it. I could sure use a babysitter to teach me to ride.”

“Hey, when we both have some time off, come to my ranch. I’ll let you ride Sandy. We’ll teach you how to ride.”

“Wow. That sounds great.” But when would the two of them have time off together? And that would mean staying with Cal. Yeah. Wow. “I’d like that. Thanks for the offer.” She smiled to let him know she meant it.

He grinned. “It’s a date, then. When this is over, we’ll make a plan.”

They talked about little things, getting to know each other and laughing occasionally. She was feeling so relaxed by the time they had to get out, she’d almost forgotten what they were facing.

She followed him back to his room, admiring his amazing physique along the way.

As he opened the door, he said, “You’re welcome to shower. Everything you need should be in there.”

“Thanks, but I’ll shower when I get back to my hotel. What time do you want to meet at the hospital?”

“How about five-thirty? Just in case they’re ready to release him early. And we’ll have time to get some fast food before we get there, too.”


As she headed for the bathroom, he grabbed her hand. “Vic?”

She turned back around. “Uh-huh?”

“I’m glad you came over today.” His blue, blue eyes sparkled with kindness—and with something else. An intense attraction.

So he felt it too. “I enjoyed myself. I liked getting to know you better, Calum.”

He laughed. “Hey, that name’s our little secret.” He squeezed her fingers and let go.

She could still feel the pressure of his hand as she shut the bathroom door behind her. Was this the beginning of something? She leaned her back against the door and closed her eyes. She hoped it was.


Cal knocked on thesafe house door, waiting for Agent Banning to answer. Vic stood behind him, Escareno in handcuffs beside her. They’d had to wait almost an hour for their prisoner to be released from the hospital, and Vic was in no mood for more delays.

The door opened, and Banning, a middle-aged, dark-haired man with a somber face, stepped away to allow them to enter.