Page 8 of Natural Deception

"I'm not wishy-washy." I lean in, bending my arms until my chest meets her breasts. "I'm going to kiss you, Vanessa. Right now."

She stares into my eyes, tracing her tongue over her bottom lip.

Now or never. I cover her mouth with mine and hold that position for a moment, giving her time to react before I push for more. Her entire body relaxes, and her eyes flutter shut.Bingo. I press my mouth to hers more firmly as I slip my tongue between her lips and plaster my body to all her curves. Damn, she's even sexier than I remember, with toned muscles and a taut ass. I can't help sliding one hand behind her to cup one of those cheeks.

A soft moan sighs out of her.

I push my tongue deeper, rubbing my dick against her while it gradually firms up, readying for what we both want. She grips my biceps. I tease the roof of her mouth. She sinks her nails into my arms, and I don't care. It's been too damn long since I kissed Vanessa, even longer since I made love to her.

She wraps one leg around mine.

I pull my head back, breathing hard. "Let's have sex right here under this palm tree."

She just stares at me, seeming slightly dazed.

"Fuck, I want you so much." I wrap one arm around her to pull her away from the tree. "This is a nice soft spot for making love."

Vanessa freezes.

I open my mouth to ask what's wrong but don't get the chance.

She slaps me. "You bastard. The jerk who filed for divorce doesn't get to seduce me ever again."

My ex-wife marches across the bridge and down the trail.

And I stand here with half an erection and no chance of getting off, unless I want the DIY version. What just happened? She wanted me, I know she did. I said I wanted her and that this was a nice spot for making love. None of that should've set her off. She got so turned on that I could smell the scent of her cream wafting around us. Yet she called me a bastard and stormed off.

Okay, yeah, I did file for divorce. But she didn't fight it.

I'm too old to play the petty blame game. We broke up, and I still understand why, not really, not completely. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Now, I regret it. That's why I tricked her into coming to this resort, but I didn't really have a game plan for what I'd do once I got Vanessa here.

A data scientist ought to know how to do that. My job is to collate data and figure out how to organize it all while finding answers to questions brought up by the data itself. Yet I couldn't think far enough ahead to properly seduce my ex-wife. My dick took over. That's the problem. I need to summon my inner data scientist and study Vanessa.

Well, at least my erection has faded away. I can return to the resort without looking like a predator on the make.

Once I reach the main patio, I realize no one else is here. I sit down at a table that's shaded by an umbrella and mull my options. My ex-wife is not a dataset I can analyze and interpolate.

When a resort employee comes over to ask if I want anything to eat or drink, I sigh and slump back in my chair. "Got any booze?"

"Do you like rum?" she asks. "We have an excellent selection, and a lot of our guests love our mojito. It has rum, lime juice, mint, sugar, and sparkling water. Most people like that it has the vibe of a tropical drink."

"Yeah, sure, I'll have that." I'm more of a beer drinker, and I don't even drink that very often. But this is a tropical vacation. Might as well try the fruity beverages on hand. Just nothing with an umbrella. Fortunately, my cocktail does not come with one of those.

I'm halfway through my mojito when a shadow falls over me. A large one. I look and up try for a smile that doesn't quite get there. "Hey, James, what's up?"

The general manager sits down on the other side of the table. "I should ask you that question. You don't seem to be having a good time."

I shrug. "My plans haven't panned out so far."

"What plans are those?"

"Rather not say. It's embarrassing."

James chuckles. "I am the king of embarrassing debacles. Tell me what's on your mind, and perhaps I can help. Anything you say will be kept in strictest confidence."

"You don't need to play shrink for me. I'm a big boy, and I can work out my problems on my own."

"What I'm trying to say, in a round-the-houses sort of way, is that I believe I might have some personal insight to offer. My experiences with Holly, back when we first met, may be relevant."