Craig kisses me sweetly, then releases his hold on his zip line. I watch him glide downward for a few seconds, then release my line too and rush down after him. I catch up just as we slow down, thanks to the slope of our lines becoming shallower, and I flash him a quick smile. He returns the gesture. Then we both need to concentrate on switching to the next switchover. By the time we reach the end of our aerial adventure, we're both exhausted in the best way.
Mila and Cooper arrived just before us. Aspen and Zach have already gotten out of their gear, but Craig and I need a little help. Once we're free, we both sit down on the ground to rest and watch the others come flying down the mountain four at a time. The oldest zip-liners in our group are a married couple in their seventies, who surprise everyone with their derring-do. Cooper announces that those two had beaten everyone, sliding down the mountain faster than anyone else and with amazing finesse.
Getting older isn't such a bad thing after all.
Once we've all recovered from the excitement, we head back down the trail to the spot where we had started. Rene and Emilio are waiting for us in the ORVs. And soon, we're riding back down the mountain to the trailhead. After that, we go our separate ways.
Despite being tired, I feel wonderful.
Until Craig catches up to me. "Should we talk about your revelation?"
"Not now. I need to let it sink into my brain. I swear that's not an excuse."
"I believe you." He tentatively clasps my hand. "Want to have dinner at my place tonight?"
"Where is your suite? You never said."
"I don't have a suite. It's a little bungalow around the back of the main building. Couldn't afford lavish accommodations."
Suddenly, I realize I've threaded my fingers with his, but I have no desire to pull my hand away. "I'd love to see where you've been sleeping."
"Right now? Or later?"
"I could eat a four-course feast after all the excitement."
He lifts our joined hands, kissing my knuckles. "Then let's go straight to my place."
Chapter Eighteen
"I hope you're not getting the wrong idea," Vanessa says as we swerve down the path that bypasses the main building. "We are not going to have sex tonight. This is strictly for conversation and food, nothing else. Nod your head if you understand, Craig. You aren't nodding. Maybe I need to find a ruler and smack the back of your hand with it."
"Is that how you deal with students who annoy you? I thought you were anti-corporal punishment."
"Yes. But I'll make an exception for you."
"We are going to talk and eat. If you can't keep your hands off me, that won't be my fault."
She slaps my ass. "You never used to be so contrary."
"Things change." I reclaim her hand as we veer down another path to avoid the curving swimming pool. "I remember when we were first married, and we couldn't get enough of each other."
"Yeah, I remember that too. It was a long time ago. Everything is different now."
We've just reached my bungalow, and I open the door, gesturing for Vanessa to go inside. "You said you regret moving out of our house."
"I regret being the one who moved out. At the time, I was sure I was doing the right thing for both of us."
As I shut the door, she turns toward me and sighs. "Now you want to talk."
"You say that like I'm forcing you to give a speech on Victorian etiquette." I lay a hand on her back, leading her to the little sofa in the living area. It's just big enough for two people, with one cushion separating us. "Sit down, Vanessa. I really want us to talk about everything, no interruptions this time."
"Agreed." She settles onto the sofa. "Let's talk about why we split up."
"Okay." I sit down and angle toward her. "Why did you move out? You said you needed space, but you would never explain what that meant. I didn't want to ask too many questions."
"Why? You were never shy about that."