Page 17 of Natural Deception

"You go on. I think I'll order room service."

"That's a great idea. We can talk while we eat."

I stand up, which means half of me is still submerged. "No, Craig, I'm having lunch alone in my suite. 'Alone' means by myself, solo, unaccompanied."

He sighs and stands up. His dick emerges from the water every time a swell breaks and subsides. "You always were stubborn. Fine, go eat alone in your suite."

"Thank you for the permission I didn't need." Did I sound bitchy? That wasn't my intention, but he's driving me crazy. I feel like a college girl on spring break, trying to fend off horny young men. "I'm sorry. That came out wrong. But I honestly do just want to eat in my room."

"Sure, I understand." He strides out of the water and waits on the beach until I reach him. Then he gives me a forlorn smile. "See you around."

He walks into the woods and vanishes from my sight.

I hurt his feelings, though I never wanted to do that. What we just did here on this beach has left me so confused that I need to get away from everyone for a little while. So, I head back to my room and, fortunately, don't see Craig along the way. I don't see Zach either, thank goodness. He's a sweet kid, but I can't deal with men's feelings right now.

Once I've stepped inside my suite, I lean back to push the door closed with my body---and then I sag against it, my eyes shut. How did a naughty vacation turn into an angsty mess? I'm too damn old for that, but here I am stuck in the middle.

I order a ridiculous amount of food. Luckily, a woman delivers my meal, so I don't need to contend with any men for a while. Nothing has ever tasted as good as the delicacies I'm devouring right now, but I have a feeling that's in part an aftereffect of the beach incident. I always get ravenous after sex. Of course, I haven't done the deed with anyone in a long time, not until today, so that fact might have heightened my hunger too.

For food. Not for my ex-husband.

After lunch, I decide to join an outing organized by the resort staff. We're on the hunt for exotic wildlife and plants. Our guide is Emilio Rocha, the assistant manager. He's attractive and very nice, with a voice that's perfect for this kind of job. He clearly knows his stuff too. Most of the people in the tour group are couples, except for a small cadre of twenty-something men. I wind up walking alongside Emilio, who doesn't seem to mind at all. In between telling us about the flowers and birds, he keeps me company. I don't think he does that because he feels sorry for me. He seems like the type who's friendly to everyone.

Experiencing the ecosystem on this island is fascinating, but I keep flashing back to the beach and Craig.

We hike to the far end of the main beach, where Emilio tells us about the fish and other aquatic wonders. But my mind starts to wander again, returning to the beach, replaying those moments with Craig and the way he'd made me feel. But that's the past.Heis my past. Why, then, can't I stop thinking about what we did?

"Look!" Emilio shouts. "There are two dolphins."

Everyone clamors to get a good look, but I don't even glance in that direction.

"You all right, Vanessa?" Emilio asks. "You look a bit sick."

I shake off the memories and clear my throat. "No, I'm fine. I zoned out for a minute, that's all."

"But you missed the dolphins."

"Maybe I'll catch them another time."

"It's none of my business, but I, ah, can't help wondering..."

Why I'm alone when my ex is here on the island. That seems like the logical end for that sentence. Emilio is too polite to finish his statement. What the hell? Might as well confess. "You're wondering why I'm not hanging out with Craig instead of going on a nature hike by myself."

"Yeah. You two seem to get on well enough."

"We do, usually. But I had no idea he would be here, and his arrival threw me off kilter."

"I get it. Sorry. I shouldn't have pestered you."

"You haven't done that." I pat his arm. "You're a terrific tour guide and assistant manager."

He smiles. "Thank you for the compliment. But my job is to make sure everyone is comfortable, having a good time, and enjoying their stay. Feel like I've failed with you."

"Don't worry about me. I think I'm just having trouble figuring out what to do with myself. I haven't taken a vacation in years, maybe decades."

"I hear that a lot from guests." He puckers his lips, apparently thinking hard about something. Me, probably. Then he raises one finger and grins. "I've got it. We're having a masquerade ball tomorrow night. All the guests will wear face masks and body-paint costumes. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

He really is determined to make me enjoy life. I can't say no. "Yeah, that could be fun. I've never done anything like that, for sure."