Page 51 of Natural Deception

Life couldn't get any better than this.

"Enjoying the scenery?"

I turn to look at Vanessa. "Scenery isn't what I'm enjoying right now. Your beautiful body has captured all my attention."

She had been holding her hands behind her back, but now she moves them in front of her to reveal the two lollipops she's holding. "We never did get around to sucking on these little goodies."

"Are those the red wine lollipops? It's kind of early for alcohol."

"We aren't guzzling a whole bottle." She offers me a lollipop. "Think of it as an appetizer before we feast on each other."

I grab the candy on a stick, then freeze. Why? Because Vanessa just slipped her lollipop between her lips and puckered them. Her cheeks cave in a little as she sucks on the hard candy. Then she slides it out millimeter by millimeter. "Mm, this tastes almost as good as you. Go on, suck on it, Craig."

The husky tone of her voice ensures that I will do anything she says. I set the round red disk on my tongue and close my lips over it, suckling the candy. I groan, but not because the lollipop tastes good, though it does. I groan because Vanessa just raked her tongue over her lollipop and curled it around the candy. When she slides it into her mouth again, thrusting it in and out, over and over, I almost choke on my own tongue.

I wind up coughing instead.

She drops her lollipop. "Craig, are you okay? Maybe I should do the Heimlich maneuver."

"No, I'm fine, I swear." I pick up her lollipop and set it on the patio table along with mine. "These things are dangerous. Better stick to eating you up."

"Well, if you really are recovered..."

"I am. Completely."

"Then where should we do it? On the chaise, on the table, against the railing..."

She slides her arms around my waist, pressing her body to mine. "Why don't you surprise me?"

Just a few days ago, I would've been shocked if she said that to me. Vanessa had never liked being caught off guard. But everything has changed.

I splay my palm over her upper back, push my other hand into her hair, and kiss her. We take it slow, savoring every movement and every flavor, drunk on each other more than those lollipops could ever intoxicate us. Even wine couldn't outdo this feeling.

When we finally give up each other's lips, I'm halfway to an erection.

Vanessa's mouth forms a lazy, satisfied smile. "I've changed my mind. Let's not have sex, not right now."

"I wish you'd told me that before I kissed you that way. I'm on the verge of a hard-on already."

"Are you really disappointed? Because I was thinking we could go to the waterfall and swim."

I touch my forehead to hers. "When I'm with you, I'm never disappointed."

"Then you want to go swimming?"

"Yes. And let's take a picnic breakfast with us."

She smiles again, but this time it's bright and full of joy. I swear that expression could light up the whole world. She folds her arms around my neck, and her lips graze my ear. "I think fate brought us to this island, and I'm so glad it did."

Fate? I guess that's my new first name. I should tell her the truth about how we both wound up at this resort. But then she kisses me and smiles, and I get instant amnesia. I will tell her. Later. I have less than two weeks to confess, but that means I don't need to do it today.

Just a few more days, that's all I need. A few more days before I drop that bomb on her.

Or maybe a week more.

We take a shower together, soaping each other up and splashing each other. It's like we've traveled back in time to the early days of our marriage, when we loved to have fun and couldn't get enough of each other. Vanessa calls room service to order a picnic breakfast for us. We wait in the lobby for Emilio to bring us our food, which comes in an actual basket. We thank him and head out to the waterfall.

As we approach the area, the sound of the water grows louder and louder, though it's never deafening. The spray generates a full rainbow, like the one we'd seen while zip-lining. Is that a sign? I've never believed in that bullshit, but I can't help feeling like the universe is trying to tell me something.Stop lying to Vanessa, that's probably what the universe wants me to do.