Page 47 of Natural Deception

He grasps my waist and pulls me onto his lap, where his erection presses against my belly. "Age does have its benefits. We don't need condoms, and we can explore any kind of adventurous sex that we want."

"How adventurous do you want to be?"

"Tell me your fantasies, the ones you never would have admitted to having back when we were married."

I bite the inside of my lip while I gaze into his eyes and consider my options. "I'd love to start with eating dessert off each other's bodies, then move on to something wilder."

"Dessert we can do for sure. What sort of wilder things did you have in mind?"

How far should I go with this? We both want to get closer, and we also both want to try new sexual experiences. Our marriage had been a happy one, and we had a decent sex life for most of that time. But I know we can do better. It all depends on how much we're willing to push our limits.

Craig is the only man I would ever want to do this with.

So, I slide deeper into his lap, lifting my hips just enough to seat his cock firmly beneath my cleft. "How about a little bondage?"

"Are you serious? The schoolteacher wants to get tied up? Or maybe you want to tie me up."

"Either. Both. I just want to try something new. Are you game?"

"For you, I'll try anything." He stands up while I still have my legs wrapped around him, then sets me down. "Maybe we should do this in your suite. It's bigger and has more opportunities for getting down and dirty."

"Good idea."

"And besides, my bungalow must seem like a slum compared to your suite."

Is that why he hadn't invited me here until tonight? He thinks I'm a snob. Well, it's probably more accurate to say he worries I'll think less of him. To reassure him, I clasp his face with both hands, tugging gently until he dips his head toward mine. "I would have sex with you in a pup tent if that was the only option. The place doesn't matter as long as we're together."

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't care about my little bungalow. The problem was me." He grasps my ass in both hands. "I'm over that now."

"Glad to hear it. Let's take our food back to my suite."

He picks up the tray full of goodies, and I open the door for him. Once we reach my suite, I order us a bottle of champagne too. Only then do we realize there's a slight hitch in our erotic plans for the evening.

Craig smacks his forehead. "Oh, no. How can we do bondage fun without the bondage gear? I think the gift shop carries that kind of stuff, but it's too late for that. The shop is closed for the night."

Our plans have skidded to a halt before we even really got started. Or have they? I suddenly get an idea. "Maybe I should call Holly and ask her."

"You want to tell the guest services manager that we need bondage gear?"

"If that makes you uncomfortable, we can delay our plans until tomorrow night."

He grabs my cell phone off the nightstand and hands it to me. "Call Holly. I can't wait another day."

"Neither can I." My fingers fumble as I dial Holly's number, which was included in the phone list in our welcome packets. I want to do this with Craig so badly that I've turned clumsy. At last, I manage to dial the right numbers. "Hi, Holly, sorry to bother you after hours. But Craig and I could, um, use your help. It's a delicate matter."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. But we decided to try a bit of light bondage, and we suddenly realized we don't have the right equipment for that. Could you let us into the gift shop?"

"Oh, you don't need to go there. Are you guys in your suite or Craig's bungalow?"

"My suite."

"Perfect. Stay where you are. I'll bring everything you need."

She hangs up before I can ask what it is she thinks we need. Bondage paraphernalia, I assume. But she talked like someone who's had experience with this kind of thing before. James and Holly do have that vibe sometimes.

"What should we do while we wait?" Craig asks. "I guess we could sit on the bed or go out onto the patio."