Page 12 of Natural Deception

"You do. So, what's up?"

He scratches his elbow and nose again. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk with me. I hear there's a trail that leads up the mountain. The welcome brochure said it's a great spot for watching the wildlife."

"That sounds nice. But to be honest, I'm jet-lagged. Think I'll just go to bed."

"Maybe another time?"

I hesitate but then opt for truthfulness. "Yeah, maybe another time."

No, I don't want to have sex with him. But exploring the island with a buddy is appealing. Why can't a divorced couple be friends?

The next morning, I wake up early since I'd gone to sleep early too. I blame jet lag. But now, I should be pretty much adjusted to the new schedule. I've just gotten out of the shower when someone knocks on the door to my suite. I'm in the middle of blow-drying my hair, so I holler "just a minute" while I struggle to unplug the hair dryer without electrocuting myself. Then I rush to the door and yank it open.

Craig eyes me up and down, his brows hiking up. "Did you stick your finger in the electrical socket?"

"What? No, of course not."

"Just wondered. I've only ever seen your hair this disheveled after we had sex." He smirks. "Or that time when a spider fell into your hair and you were scrambling to get rid of it while shrieking."

"I was not shrieking."

He leans against the jamb. "Wanna have breakfast together?"

"Okay. But this is not a date."

"Whatever you say. Got any plans for later?"


He folds his arms over his chest. "Well then, let's hike up that wildlife trail."

"As friends. No hanky-panky."

Craig laughs. "Hanky-panky? Can't remember ever hearing you say that before."

I don't think I ever have used that phrase before. But seeing him first thing in the morning has knocked me off kilter. Can't explain why. "We can do the nature hike, but I need food first."

"Me too." He points one finger at my head. "Might want to brush your hair first. Somebody might think we screwed each other's brains out before breakfast."

A silky warmth shimmers through me, though I did not want to feel this way. He made an offhand comment. I shouldn't get turned on by that. I shake off the feeling and sprint back into the bathroom to brush my hair. When I come back, Craig is still standing there leaning against the jamb.

I can't deny that my ex-husband is sexy. He always was, even before he decided to work out more and build up his muscles. I've always loved his body, but that mattered less to me than the way he made me feel when we were making love.

We head for the dining hall side by side, but not hand in hand. Not sure why I felt the need to mention that in my own thoughts. Do I need to convince myself of something? No, that's crazy. We're too old to get fluttery tummies and give each other shy smiles.

A hot young woman sashays past us just as we're entering the dining hall, but Craig only gives her a polite smile. He barely even looked at her. That girl had perfect tits and a perfect figure, the kind of body that every straight man on earth would want to admire. Since he obviously came to this island for the naughty atmosphere, I can't understand why he hasn't done anything, well, naughty.

The breakfast crowd has already filled the hall, so Craig wends through the crowd hunting for an open table, keeping in step with me all the while rather than rushing ahead. He grabs a small table that's just big enough for the two of us, then pulls a chair out for me. I sit down, at his polite insistence.

"You save our table," he says. "I'll get the food. Pretty sure I still remember what you like."

"Okay. Thanks."

I watch him walking toward the buffet, but I'm not admiring his ass this time. I stare at his backside in sheer disbelief. He's being courteous and sweet. Our marriage had gradually dwindled after our kids left home, and we sort of gave up on conversation and courtesy. Why has he suddenly changed his attitude? I can't tear my gaze away from him as he snatches up two plates and loads them up with breakfast foods. Then he hurries back to me to set down the plates. He flashes me a quick smile before he trots over to the beverage section and returns a moment later with drinks for us.

Craig finally sits down opposite me. "Go on and eat. Don't know about you, but I'm starving. Must be the jet lag."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too."