Page 9 of Hanging Horseshoes

“Nicer than you thought, huh?”

“Definitely wasn’t what I was expecting. You guys have a nice setup here.” I tell him honestly. “Not that I thought it would be a dump.” I quickly explain as Beau chuckles.

Fuck, that’s sexy. Nope, nope. Don't even think about it.

“I get it. It wasn’t what I expected at first, either. Come on, let's go get some food before the rest of the group swarms.”

Beau leads us to the left, down a hallway, until it opens up into a dining room/kitchen.

“Come on, we can grab a plate and load up. It’s more like brunch, but Izzy makes the best buttermilk biscuits, and no one can rival Jade’s gravy.” Beau says, handing us each a plate.

“They could try.” Comes a reply from the dining room.

“And that would be Jade herself.” Beau chuckles, glancing at the dark-skinned beauty holding a baby in her arms.

“Oh, is that Rome's mom?” Ophelia asks, focusing on her plate. I notice she isn’t filling her plate really at all. A bird wouldn’t get full on the small portion she has given herself. Beau must notice it too because, like we’ve done it a million times, we both start filling her plate.

“Nope, that would be me and this sexy ass fucker right here. I’m Halle, and this is Loki. Rome, Rae, and these three miracles are all ours.” The tiny blonde sporting the huge belly pipes up. Beau rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling at her comment.

I put a spoonful of eggs while Beau adds hash browns on Ophelia’s. I add a couple of biscuits while Beau adds the Gravy. We keep going until she finally tells us to stop.

“That's enough, I promise. No way can Mable and I eat all this.” She mutters.

“Y’all can take a seat. I will get Mable's plate.” I volunteer as we are led to a seat in the middle of his club brothers.

“Oh, she can just share with me.” Ophelia tries to argue, but I just turn back to the kitchen.

“That plate is for you, Honeybee. Bumble Bee here can get her own full-course meal.” Beau says, tickling Mable's stomach. The sound of her laughter nearly stops my heart. Damn, they have a beautiful family. All the more reason for me to eat and run. No way would I ever dream of messing with that. I quickly make the plate for Mable and return to the table, receiving a smile from all around.

‘sooo… Does everyone here support the LGBTQ+ community?” Halle blurts, which has me spitting my coffee out.

“Fuck, Halle! What the hell?” Beau says.

“What? How else am I supposed to ask the stud's sexual orientation without offending him?” she complains.

“You're not. That's the whole point. It’s rude to ask,” Jade remarks.

“Okkkaayyyy… but how else are we supposed to set Rodeo up if we don't even know if he swings that way?” she replies in a duh tone.

“Oh sweet baby Jesus, save me, please,” Beau mutters, banging his head on the table as Mable stuffs her face while sitting on his lap.

I can't take it anymore. I burst out laughing. This has to be the worst, most awkward, but definitely the best conversation I’ve ever had. At least I now know two things. Rodeo is part of the community and this whole group seems to be okay with it.

It gives me hope, which is why I stuff my face and try to hurry my ass out of here. They are giving me hope, but what about the hope Ophelia still has or Mable? Would I come between them? I couldn’t take it.

Yeah, coming here was a mistake. Leaving Texas was a mistake, getting to know these amazing, accepting people… It was all a mistake.

Luckily, my phone rings, and I quickly take it out of my pocket. Seeing Andrew's name, I decide he will be my excuse to get the hell out of here.

Chapter Eight


I look up when I hear a phone ringing. Looking over, I see it's Trip’s phone. I look up at his face and instantly realize what's about to happen. He’s going to run. I know that look well. It's the same look I ignored on Beau's face for many years. It's the same one I knew I wore most of my life, and I know with certainty he will bolt. Before I can get a word out, he is out of his seat.

“Uh, sorry, everyone. There’s an emergency. At the ranch.” Trip stutters out before turning and walking toward the door. He stops at the entrance and turns back once more.

“Thank you all for the food and good company. It’s nice knowing I have… interesting neighbors.” He smiles before waving and walking out. I stand and look down at Beau.