“Loki, shut the fuck up! Is it not bad enough we have to walk in on you two humping like bullfrogs but now we got to hear about this shit too?” Hitter growls out.
“No offense brother, but I don’t need to hear about your woman’s pussy when mine has the tightest, most fucking phenomenal…” Swift is cut off from his daydreaming when his phone starts to ring.
Not three seconds after that phones start going off in the room one by one. Hitters, Comps, Loki’s. When I hear “Hey baby, what's wrong.” From one man and then “Pet, what the hell is happening.” I can’t help but look over at Beau. All the women were together. If all the women are calling their men then Ophelia should be calling too. When I meet Beaus' eyes he pulls his phone out and looks at it before shaking his head no. I see the panic in his eyes as I pul;l my phone out and look at the screen. No Ophelia. I shake my head no and he rushed to the table we are currently all sitting around.
“Prez, what's going on? Please..” Beau is cut off as Swift pulls the phone away from his ear and puts it on speaker phone.
“Darlin’ I just put you on speakerphone. Calm down and repeat what you just said baby. Its going to be ok just take a breath.” Swift tells her. I want to demand she tell us now but I know that’s the panic talking and its far from her fault. Plus, I like my head right the fuck where its at and If talk disrespectful to his women he will blow it all in seconds.
“We just came out of the nail salon. We were going to head back to the compound. We watched.. Oh god, Hayden.” She sniffles and I don't think I’ve ever heard Piper cry. She waits a second before pulling it together and finishing her sentence, “we watched Ophelia and Mable until they were getting in their car. Then we turned to head to our cars and we felt it. I-it it just blew up.” She stutters out.
“What do you mean it just blew up?” Swift asks.
“Oh God, her car Hayden. Ophelia's car blew up.” She cries out. I don't hear anything else because I’m drowning. It feels like I can’t breath.
“No, no, no, no. You're wrong.” I hear Beau say and his words have me snapping out of it just a bit. “There’s just no way.
“Rodeo I saw it with my ow..”
“NO! YOU'RE WRONG!” Beau yells standing up, grabbing the chair he was in and slamming it on the floor before continuing. “They can’t be fucking dead! I just got them back! You’re fucking wrong!”
This can’t be fucking happening. I’m with Beau. They have to be wrong right? Theres no way life can be that cruel. Bringing us all together then just ripping us apart in the most brutal way. I hear noises, crashes, and punches from behind me but I can’t turn back to look. I can’t make sense of anything but the thought that this is all wrong. Life as I know it is just al wrong.
“Darlin’, get ya’lls asses back to the compound. There has to be someone behind this. CArs don’t just fucking blow up on a whim. Watch your six and get you and the ol’ ladies back here right the fuck now.” Swift tells them.
“Prez, we need to check their cars first. Tell them not to go fucking near them. If they his Ophelia they might try to hit the others.” Comp speaks up. I’m barley following the conversation as I’m still reeling from the feeling of losing my entire life, my reason for living.
“Alright. I want you ladies to go back into the salon and stay fucking put. I’m sending the prospect with the van to get ya’ll all home. Don’t fucking move from that salon. You hear me? I won’t lose anyone else today!” Swift says.
‘someone please get Rodeo under fucking control. Everyone’s here right?” Swift yells out into the room as Grim and Hitter wrestle Beau into a chair holding him from doing anymore damage to himself or the compounds. Once they have him still for the time being Swift calls attention.
“I’m calling an impromptu church. Get the fuck in there now. All of you.” He says and they all take it as serious as the demand warrants. Hitter whispers something to Beau no one can hear and it seems to make him snap the fuck out of it though now he’s just like a walking Zombie. Beau is the last to rise once the others know he has control of his anger and he starts to follow the guys to church.
“Fuck this.” I speak and it has Beau turning to me, “I’m coming in that fucking meeting.”
I say starting to follow behind them all.
“Can’t let you do that Trip.” Beau tells me putting his hand up to my chest to halt me.
“What you want me to sit out his and twiddle my fucking thumbs. I need to be in that fucking room too. This is tearing me the fuck apart just like you. I deserve to fuckign be a part of it.” I argue my anger rising and nearly blowing over seeing as the hits seem to just keep coming.
“This is one of our laws Trip. No outsiders. One of our most precious laws. We can’t let you in that damn room. I’m sorry, but I promise you we are going to get top the fucking bottom of this. I will find who took…” His voice shakes as the emotions start to get to him. He clears his throat before continuing, “I will find the fuckers responsible and we will take care of them together.”
I see the pain I feel reflected in his eyes as well as the promise of revenge and that is the only reason I step back and turn. Giving him and his club the privacy they want. I’m stewing the whole fucking time almost to my breaking point. The longer I’m out here, the longer I have time with only my thoughts, the more manic I feel. I’m about three seconds away from burning this town to the ground to figure out who dared touch our fucking woman when the doors to church finally open. Beau stomps out toward the door but I step in his path.
“Get our of my fucking way.” He says in a deceptively calm voice.
“Did you figure out who did this?” I ask wanting to know the plan.
“I did and I’m on the way to tear the fucker apart but I need you to get the fuck out of my way.” He growls.
“You mean we are on the way.” I growl back getting in his face. If he thinks hes cutting me out of this shit he has another fucking thing coming.
“It was my community, my fucking past that got her killed. It will be me that takes care of the fuckers who did this to my woman and kid.” He yells at me.
“Our woman and kid.” I say in a deadly calm voice. He’s about three seconds away from my fist being shoved down his fucking throat and my tone warns him of that.
“Look Trip I get it but…” He tried to say calm;y after taking a deep breath but I cut him offf. I’m not having any of this shit.