“When did it take place? The raid I mean?” I ask wanting to know if maybe now my mom will reach out. See how my life is going, want to actually start a relationship.
“It happened the night before last. The women who wanted to leave were given safe haven Ghost and his team set up. The ones that wanted to stay did so.” He continues going into detail about the future of the women and the property. How they can find work in the near town now that the towns men aren't supplying them with the Brothel but I zone out stuck in my own head. We are finally safe. Its over… but still,
She won’t reach out. I just know if. If she had wanted to she would have as soon as they took my father. I made sure to get my number to her. I wrote her letter after letter but never got anything in return. I shouldn't still let it hurt so much but damn if I can stop it. The woman raised me, played with me in the fields by our house, walked with me by the river, sang me lullabies.
Those dreams are distant but still good memories, and I can’t help feeling disappointment when I think about her never getting the chance to meet or know Ophelia. She will never get to see the man, the father I have become.
“Alright, if theres nothing else we’ll call this church to an end.” Swift bangs the gavel and stands as we all follow suite behind him.
I rise from my seat and head out behind everyone else following them to the common room. My mind still going a million mile an hour on the information we found but that all comes to an end as me and the other men stop dead in our tracks at the scene in front of us. In the middle of the room, standing on a chair and nearly hysterical is Drew.
“Where is it? Is it on me? I feel like its crawling all over me! This is not how I wanted to die. Buried inside a hot as hell woman? Yes. My throat ripped out by a woodland creature? Fuck no.” He rants and raves as Trip is rolling on the floor in laughter.
“Rocket? Come here baby. Come to mama.” Izzy calls out. Everyone seems to be looking under stuff or crawling around. Grease has Mable on his back giving her a piggy back ride and all of a sudden a tiny furball races toward Hitters pant leg and starts amking his way up until he’s nearly sitting on Hitters shoulder. Not phased in the least Hitter places his hand under the racoons butt and heads to his woman.
“He’s right here Angel.” He tells her kissing her softly.
“Halle, what the fuck are you doing with Sunnys legs?” Loki asks at the same time Comp asks, ‘sunshine is your ass in the air and your legs spread?”
“I read online if you keep the legs and hips up it keeps the crem da la crem in the honey pot and the little mermen swim up to the lost city of Atlantis to get….” Halle tries to explain but is cut off.
“What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Whats with all the analogies and very very bad analogies at that?” Grim asks, arms crossed. Thank fuck he asked because I was lost too.
I turn to see Ophelia snickering at the women's antics as Jade french braids her hair and outright laughs.
And its in that moment I realize, I could kick my own ass for the pity party I was throwing. Look at these loud, crazy, wonderful human beings I get to call family. I am blessed beyond belief and I’m fucking ecstatic to be a part of it.
Chapter Twenty-Three
It's been Two weeks since Beau told me about the community and their evil ways finally being over. We don’t have to worry anymore. No more bodyguards everywhere I go. No more babysitting, me and Mable are able to go to town on our own in my very own car and life couldn't be better. Today we are headed into town to have manicures and lunch with the girls from the club.
“You ready to get your nails done with the girls?” I ask Mable, looking at her through the rear view mirror. She excitedly shakes her head yes and it makes me smile.
Though I’m still a little sad about her progress when it comes to speaking. I just want my baby girl to be able to communicate and find her voice. I want to hear my baby girl talk my ear off. I know its from the trauma we both suffered and we have both been going to therapy to try and work through all the issues but still nothing from her. I know it will take time but I’m just ready for her to heal.
At first I was against therapy. In the community if you needed mental help you were considered marked by the devil. You had to have done something wrong, or thought in pure thoughts, or if you were born with a disability it was reflected on your parents. They must have done something wrong in the eyes of the lord for your child to be punished this way. Then the women of the club sat me down and talked me through it at Trip and Rodeos request. I had been waking up from nightmares more often and they were worried.
That was how I found out the ladies' stories and all they had been through. I knew those women were strong but I didn't have a clue as to how much. From Piper being shot, Izzy being locked in a cage by her own family, Sunny protecting Paisley and having to be on the run, Jade being kidnapped and cut open, It just blows my mind at what all they have been through. They talked to me about their experience and reassured me they needed help just like I did. It was actually Piper who finally got through to me when she explained it.
“Think of it as strings. Your brain has memories that are like strings and they all connect to you brain, your here and now. When you go through something traumatic those strings can get all tangled up and scattered. A therapist's job is to guide you through the mess left behind. To hold your hand and help you untangle those strings one by one. It doesn't mean your broken or you did anything wrong. It just means you can’t see past how to untangle things clearly and sometimes that leads to more tangles. Let someone hold your hand Fee Fee. We’ve all been there and some of us are still working on the tangles up here.” She says tapping the side of her head and giving me a small smile.
So, after that talk with the ladies and them all assuring me it was the right thing to do, not just for me but for Mable as well, I gave it a go. It might have been one of the smartest decisions of my life. I’m not saying I’m healed but I’m definitely on my way there and I couldn't be happier. The nightmares still haunt me but they are definitely less frequent.
I’ve been so lost in my thoughts I hadn't even realized we pulled up to the nail salon in the middle of downtown. I look out the windshield and see all the women and also Paisley and Rae with them waving as well. I hope out and head to the back to unclip Mable from her car seat. Once I have her in my arms I make my way over to the women.
“Are they going to have enough people to fit us all in?” I laugh looking at the group surrounding me.
“We’ve planned for that. Half of us will be getting pedicures while the other half gets manis. Then we switch. Come here baby girl, I haven't seen you all day!” Jade says holding her arms out for Mable. Mable doesn't even think twice as she reaches out for Jades open arms. My baby loves all these women and these women all love my baby girl but her and Jade have a special bond and I’m not sure why. I’m also not questioning it because the more love my baby gets the happier it makes her and myself.
“That makes sense and sounds good. We’ve never had this done before so I’m a bit nervous.” I tell them as we walk into the shop.
“Girl, ain't nothing to be nervous about. You just sit there and let these wonderful technicians do all the work. They will get you taken care of.” Sunny says linking arms with me. “Come one, you can sit by me.”
After that, its all a blur of picking out colors and designs. The ladies of the nail salon bring out glasses of wine and we each take one. I make sure to only drink one seeing as I’m driving myself and Mable home and I already not much of a drinker but the girls make sure to reassure me that the appointments will take a while so the alcohol will be well out of my system by the time the appointments are over. I’m not too worried about it though because I also know I have to wonderful, loving men that would drop everything to make sure we got home safe.
“OH MY LANTA!!” Halle squeals out in the quiet room. We had all been relaxing and enjoying the leg and arm messages that come with the appointment when her shout has us all up and looking around.