Page 29 of Hanging Horseshoes

“Oh and it’s convertible.” He tells her. I don't expect the squeal followed by her basically tackling me. She does the same to beau but softer seeing as he has our baby girl in his arms. I’ve fallen for that sweet girl almost as hard as I have for her mama but in completely different ways. I never saw myself as the father type. Don't get me wrong I would have loved it but I didn't see it in the cards for me so I didn't want to get my hopes up. That little girl changed it all though.

“Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ve been working so hard on getting better at driving. I’m so excited! When can I take it for a ride?” She asks excitedly.

“That’s the other part of the surprise. We figured we could all go out for a drive. Then meet up with the club at the new steak joint in town. You, Trip and Mable are going to take your car. I’m going to be riding behind y’all on my bike.” Beau says laughing when she starts jumping up and down again.

And that's how we spend the afternoon. Riding around the country side jamming to Taylor Swift who the old ladies introduced to Fee Fee and she couldn't get enough. Now I feel like I know every damn word to her speak now album. Even Mable is loving it. She still isn't speaking but as I turn and look at her I see her swaying back and forth and smiling up at the blue skies and fluffy clouds. She looks… free.

We pull up to the restaurant and Beau parks beside us, hoping off his bike, and opening the door for Ophelia. I lean in and grab Mable and walk around to meet them.

“I would ask if you enjoyed your ride but from being behind you and seeing all the happiness coming off that vehicle in waves.” Beau says leaning down and kissing Ophelia. He then turns to me and Mable and kisses her on the tip of the nose making her giggle. That has to be my favorite sound in the world. Either that or the sound of Ophelia's laughter.

“Come on, the gangs waiting. We better get in there before they start their shit.” Beaus says taking Fee Fees hand and pulling her to the door as me and Mable follow behind.

“Well look what the cow drug in…” Halle bursts out as soon as we get through the doors of the restaurant. The group is at a table in the very back so it makes her greeting even more awkward but that’s Halle for you.

We make our way to the long table with the stairs of the other patriots following us the whole way. As we make it to the table I hear Jade and Halle arguing. Making me smile as I place Mable in the hi9gh chair set at the end of the table.

“Its cat Halle. Look what the cat drug in.” Jade sighs as Halle looks at her in confusion.

“Yeah but their cowboys, so shouldn't it be what the Cow drug in?” Halle smiles like she won the battle.

“That actually kind of makes sense but there are two problems to your analogy.” Jade crosses her arm with a smirk of her own.

“Oh yeah smarty pants what would that be?” Halle asks.

“Cows don’t drag things around and they sure don’t come in anywhere. So therefore it doesn't make sense the cow wouldn't drag anything in.” Jade smile in victory and all I can do is shake my head at their interaction. Just as Halle is about to comment back a conversation at the table beside ours catches all of our attention.

‘some people shouldn't be allowed in public.” The snide blonde bimbo says from the table. All conversation and laughs at our table stop as, as one, we all turn to the woman.

“This town is full of trash. We should have gone a town over to have a civilized date.” The man snarks. Oh shit.

“Mama did the big ass bimbo just call us trash?” Rome asks loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear.

“Did he just call me fat?” The woman screeches in outrage.

“And stupid. Don't forget that too.” Rae says shoveling a roll in her mouth and groaning at the taste like she doesn't have a care in the world.

“I have never heard such disrespect in my life.” She screeches before standing.

“Well just wait a minute and I’m sure you’ll hear more.” Grease mutters under his breath but we still all hear it.

“You brats need an attitude adjustment. Such disrespect to a lady.” The man says fuming and standing with his girl.

“He did not just call my children brats and threaten to spank them.” Halle says calmly but we can all see the blood boiling over.

“You know Pet,” Loki says slowly standing. Oh shit. “I think he just did. They mustbothbe stupid.”

“Come on man. This place just opened up, don't get us banned already.” Hitter grumbles taking in the scene.

“Listen to your friend there buddy. He seems to have some sense in there.” The man says and that has Hitters eyes narrowing and staring down the couple. One of the first things I learned being around the Reckless Omens is they protect each other to the death. They might be able to give each other shit but no one else has that luxury.

“Did I ask for your fucking commentary?” Hitter says now standing.

“Watch yourselves.” The man says placing his nose in the air and pulling his too tight pants over his beer gut trying to act fucking tough. This man is really about to regret ever stepping foot in this place.

“Yeah, watch yourselves. My man here is a cop. He’ll make sure all of you never see the light of day again.” The woman harrumphs sticking her nose in the air and smiling like the cat that got the cream.

“Ohhh…. A cop you say.” Swift smiles pulling out his phone and pressing speed dial before putting the phone to his ear.