“No, no. You know you’re always welcome here.”
Oh he is, is he?
“Come on in. Meet my uh….” Trip stumbles over what to call us and that is where Ophelia steps in.
“His. We’re his and he’s ours. Hi, I’m Ophelia. Nice to meet you.” She rushed over to Trip, wrapping one arm around his waist and holding the other hand out to shake his.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Andrew, Trip’s best friend from back home but please, call me Drew. All my friends do.” Drew says winking at her. Then it clicks. Andrew, Drew, best friend. This is the friend that always took up for Trip. The one who protected him at every turn while growing up.
That right there puts me at ease. He was close to Trip but in a brother way. He’s not here to try and take him from us, well he better not be. Either way, I know what Drew did for Trip, how he protected him, that alone tells me everything I need to know. Me and my club will have his back.
‘so what the hell are you doing here man? I haven't been gone that long… miss me already?” Trip jokes but the look in his friends eyes have him stopping.
“Actually, yeah that’s basically the gist of it. After you left I realized there really isn't anything left in that town for me either. I may have fit into their mold but I didn't belong there and it became increasingly when you were no longer around. They were even worse than before. I couldn't spend one more minute in that judgmental ass town. I was actually hoping you found a nice town and I could crash with you. I see now though you already have house guests.” Drew is smiling so big at Trip’s obvious mixed feelings before any of us can get a word out though we hear women's voices behind us.
I groan as I realize just who it is.
“Holy mother trucking shit.” Halle exclaims from the bottom of the porch steps.
“You know the cutting out on cussing doesn't work if you only take one word out at a time. You actually have to not cuss at all.” Sunny tells her.
“I can’t quit cold turkey. That’s just fucking insane.” Halle replies.
“Isn’t that what Rome told his teacher?” Izzy asks in a mock whisper.
“Actually, I think Rome's words were ‘If you expect me to stop cussing at school dad you got to give me some leeway. I here it all from you and the Unc’s. Aint no damn way I can quit cold turkey’.” Piper replies back to her. Halle smiles and sighs, “I love that kid.”
She seems to shake herself back to the present because she takes in the scene and looks to Drew.
“Like I was saying, we should drop by this place more often. Look at all they eye candy,” Halle says crossing her arms and checking our Drew. Then looking back at Trip, “Hey Cowboy, you going to be hiring more men like him around here? You won’t ever get rid of us.”
“Until Loki finds out what your up to.” Jade snorts as Halle give her the finger and whispers ‘snitches get carved up.” While sliding her thumb across her neck.
Jade rolls her eyes before replying, “I didn’t say I was snitching. And its Snitches get stitches.”
“Never got that. If I’ve coming for you, your going to get more than stitches. I’ll carve you us so good…”
“Alright, alright, alright. Lets not scare off Trip’s oldest friend just yet.” I try to shut the women up because lets be honest. Its really a toss up of what they might say around sane minded folks.
“Oh please don’t let me stop you, I haven’t had entertainment since this one,” Drew points a thumb over his shoulder at Trip, “Left town and took all the scandalization out with him. I’m going through withdrawals… I personally did have to go through withdrawals.” Drews pouts, actually fucking pouts and the women ohh and aww swarming him on the porch and comforting him.
“You’re here now and we will provide you with all the entertainment you need. Are you staying here or do you need a place? I’m sure we can throw a room together at the clubhouse…” Sunny starts.
“What the fuck is happening?” I asked actually confused. Trip grunts running a hand down his face before turning to me.
“Drew is…. Charismatic. He hasn't ever met anyone that doesn’t fall for his charms, man or women.” He chuckles shaking his head. I look back at the women and even Ophelia is in the mix patting his shoulder and all huddled around him like he’s a lost baby bird.
“It was so hard being in that town alone. The eyes always one me. The loneliness, it all became too much.” Drew says in such a forlorn tone even I start to believe it. Luckily Trip breaks it up.
“Drew don’t start. Their men will kill you and bury the body. I’m not even joking. It’s what they do.”
Drew and I say in the same offended tone. Trip looks at me and raises a brow.
“Its not all we do.” I grumble crossing my arms.