Page 23 of Hanging Horseshoes

“What made y’all think we were going to kill them?” He asks.

“I heard you say on the phone you were going to ‘take care of them’ and stuff.” Sunny says with air quotes. All the guys start laughing at that while we stand there confused. Before long Hitter wipes his eyes and answers.

“When we said take care of them we meant capture them then let them go on the back of the property near the back forest. A ways from here and the trash they keep tearing up. We weren't going to kill them.”

“You weren't?” Jade asks. The guys shake their heads again.

“Oh, well that's a relief. Now we can head back to the clubhouse and have a drink or five.” Halle says beaming. Though Loki bites the pad of his thumb and shakes his head.

“Nope, that’s not what going to happen tonight. You women made a mess. Now, you get to clean it up.” Loki says grinning.

“What do you mean?” Sunny asks hesitantly.

“Now, you all get to reset all those traps.” Comp laughs evilly. All the ladies groan but I can’t help smiling. This has been the most exciting fun of my life and it seems like my time with this bunch is just beginning. I can’t wait for the rest.

Chapter Eighteen


After the long day working on the Ranch, then hanging out and getting to know Rodeo's brothers a bit more, then tracking down the women as they went about their “Girls night rescue mission.” I am about dead on my feet. Yet, I still toss and turn and think about the night and how much my life has changed.

I never thought I would feel comfortable enough opening up around a group of big burly bikers, ever. Yest, as we sat there tonight around the pool tables and dart boards in the common room I not only felt comfortable, I felt like I belonged. Don't get me wrong, I will never patch in as a member, that's just not the path my life is going to take but I became and associate, a close friend, and from the way Swift and the other guys talked, maybe even a business partner. I had fun, laughed, joked, and shot the shit with all these men and not once did they make me feel less than, or different. I noticed Beau stayed close though too, showing his support and lending me some strength.

Just as I’m about to let myself think more on that, feel more on that, I hear a blood curdling scream that has me aching down to my bones. In the next second I’m out of bed and racing down the hallway toward the girls room. I catch Rodeos eyes as he comes barrelling up the stairs from the guest room downstairs. I notice he’s in nothing but his boxers as well but theres is one difference, the pistol in his hand. Good thinking, I rush into the room. I feel him behind me, gun lifted, looking for the danger. But as we access the situation we realize there is no danger.

“Mable is in the fetal position snoring soundly, while Ophelia is tossing and turning. I look at Rodeo in confusion, not sure where the screaming was coming from but before I can ask, Ophelia starts screaming and thrashing again.

“Ophelia, baby, it's me, it's Beau. Me and Trip are right hear Honeybee.” Beau says pushing past me and kneeling by her side of the bed. He brushe’s the hair back from her face, soaked with sweat. I kneel next to him.

“We ain't gonna let nothing hurt you now sweet girl. Wake up for us.” I sooth as well. After a few minutes she finally opens her eyes. I can tell she's still shaking from the nightmare and her eyes search the room around us boldly before calming when she lands on Mable. When she sees Mable surrounded in a peaceful sleep she bursts into tears again.

“Come on Beau, pick her up and bring her to my room. That way we don’t wake Mable up.” I tell Rodeo, using his real name for the first time.

I wait as he lifts her and then turn, leading them both down to the end of the hall and the double doors there. Inside isn't much but I did bring my california king bed from home. I’m a big man and I like to have room, I was actually originally looking for an Alaska King but thought being single and all. Now I realize it was a good choice. The california king has room for all three of us without too much space.

“Got room for all of us?” Beau whispers, placing Mable in the middle of the bed. I smile but nod climbing in the other side.

“I knew there was a reason I bought the bigger bed.” I wink at him. He just shakes his head before climbing on.

“I didn't mean to wake you all. I’m fine now, I can go back to my room.” Ophelia says in a shaky voice. I can’t help myself anymore. I scoot closer to her and pull her into my side. I feel Beau do the same until she is smothered by both of us.

“We’ve got you Sweet Pea. You're safe here with us.” I tell her.

“Mable is sound asleep in the room right down the hall. She is safe too. We won't let anyone or anything hurt either of you. Try to get some rest.” Beau whispers to her.

She doesn't try to speak, neither do me or Beau. We just lay there together until eventually we all drift off. IT has to be the best sleep of my entire life and now I’m left wondering how I can move them into my room, my bed, both of them…. Permanently.

The next morning I wake before Beau and Ophelia. I unwrap the soft, beautiful, delicate hand that's wrapped around my bicep as I get out of bed as quietly as possible. The move causes Ophelia to scrunch her nose up cutely then turn fully into Beau. I give myself another minute to stare at the scene before me, relishing that this could hopefully be my everyday life soon, then turn to the bathroom. I take a quick shower then head back into the room to get dressed. I forgot my clothes so quickly change in the closet before heading back out as quietly as possible.

I’m not trying to sneak out of this situation or anything, hell if it was up to me I would chain all three of us to that bed, day in and day out. Unfortunately I have a Ranch to get up and going and a business to run. Not to mention the special delivery I have coming in today.

That’s how Beau finds me only two hours later. Helping unload the boxes for our surprise for Ophelia.

“Didn't mean to kick you out of your own bed. You didn't have to sneak off this morning.” I look up into his concerned eyes and give him a bright smile/.

“Didn't sneak out, you two were just out cold. Someone has to run this ranch.” I laugh letting him know I’m only joking.

‘so we’re good?” He asks softly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I wait until he meets my eyes before replying.