Page 20 of Hanging Horseshoes

“She’s a natural.” Trip whispers, grabbing my hip and pulling me into his side as we watch Rodeo ride Mable in small circles. I lean my head on his shoulder and watch the scene. I never imagined this would be real life.

“You two better get to gettin’. Me and Mable want to really ride.” Beau hollers.

Trip holding me, my back to his chest the whole way to the clubhouse, has me nearly overheating and when we finally make it to the metal building, I’m worried about leaving a spot on Trip’s expensive looking saddle.

“Oh, holy fucking hell. Look at the scene. Girl, where can I get me two of those? Watching you riding in with big strong cowboys, I swear I just came,” Halle says, coming from the side of the building

“Pettttt.” We hear growled as Loki comes from the side right behind her. “There is only one mother fucking you come for in this entire galaxy and that lucky mother fucker is me. I think it's time for that lesson.” Loki says, dragging her away. Halle giggles, then we hear a groan coming from the other side of the door.

“Fee Fee, it's not fair. How did you get two sexy hunks? I knew I should have kept my options open after the coyote ugly dance you gave,” Piper says pouting. I look around for Swift but don't see him anywhere. Then her words hit me.

“Coyote Ugly dance? What is that? I don't remember that line dance.” I ask Beau. He blushes, actually blushes and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand, the other securing our daughter.

“No girl, your man does a whole routine, dancing on the bar in chaps and everything. Not quite a complete strip tease but shew…” Piper fans herself.

“Shut it, Piper, before I call Swift and let him know what you're saying.” Again, we hear a growl.

“No need, brother,” Swift says walking out the door. Piper's eyes go comically wide.

“How the hell did you know where I was, much less what I was saying?” She asks.

Swift simply points to the corner of the building. All eyes move to where he's pointing, and we notice a security camera. It's small and barely recognizable, but yup, it's there. The only reason I know what it is, is because Trip and Beau had Comp install them the day after they brought me back.

Swift grabs Piper and throws her over his shoulder. Turning back to us, he simply grunts out, “we’ll be back.” before heading back into the compound and I would bet money he’s taking her to the room they keep here.

“Come on, I think Jade, Sunny, and Izzy are all inside.” Beau says, hopping down off the horse.

The men tie them up as me and Mable head inside. Is top by the playroom where all the kids are and see if Mable wants to stay. I don't have to guess I know she loves having friends and toys, and even Becky has made an amazing impression on my baby girl. She is so patient with her and assures me she would love to watch her. It's what the club pays her for. Still, I’m hesitant to leave. That is until I feel two strong men at my back who led me away and toward the common room. When we make it there, I hear Rodeo behind me.

“Cutter, Volt, Drift. Shit, guys, it's been fucking forever. Glad to have you back.” He turns to look down at me, “Hey baby, I’m going to go see the guys. Want me to introduce you?” I smile at his thoughtfulness, but shake my head.

“I’m going to go sit with the girls. You all catch up and have fun.” I smile, pointing over at the bar.

“Come on Trip. Let me introduce you.” Beau says, pulling Troy along behind him. As I make my way to the bar, though, I see all three women huddled together whispering frantically while looking around to make sure no one's listening. Sunny’s eyes meet mine first and hers go wide in surprise before she grabs my arm and pulls me into the huddle.

“Oh good, Fee Fee you're here! Perfect! We’ve been waiting to fill you in,” Jade says, pulling me down. Izzy giggles and I have absolutely no clue what's going on. Luckily, I don't have to wait long to be filled in.

“Ok Fee Fee,” Jade starts with the nickname the girls have given me. I love it. Makes me feel like I’ve been a part of this family far longer than reality. Makes me feel like I fit in, like I belong.

“So Izzy overheard Hitter talking to Comp yesterday morning. Apparently there have been a bunch of racoon and possum related issues going on for a while now. Getting into trashes, the shops, and chewing wires, or something we don't really know. Anyway, she heard them mention they were going to be laying traps all around the clubhouse and capturing the poor creatures and then…” Jade pauses for dramatics, “They will be ‘Taken care of’” She uses her fingers as air quotes.

We all gasp in unison.

“They are going to kill the poor creatures?” I ask in horror.

“That was their plan, but of course, they always forget to account for one thing.” Izzy says, smiling innocently.

“What's that?” I ask brows lowered and confused.

“The Ol’ Ladies.” Jade smiles evilly.

Chapter Seventeen


“Ok, should we go over the plan one more time?” Halle asks, dressed in head to toe black. Though her brightly purple colored hair gives her away. Though she added eye black under her eyes and “Woman War” makeup as she called it.

“It's really not that hard of a plan, Hals. We followed the guys to make sure we knew where the traps were. Now we just get back to the traps and grab the animals. Release them back into the wild. Mess up the traps and get back here before the guys realize girls' night went mobile.” Piper says, shrugging.