“The club checks up on everyone, especially the more involved with the club that person becomes.” I halfway believe that, but I’ll let him off the hook this time.
“So, to answer your question, my plan for this place ultimately…” I hesitate, not sure how much I want to divulge right now. I’ve never really told anyone the real reason for this land, but for some reason I don't think Beau would judge me for admitting my dream. He might even be willing to help, and I’m going to need all the help I can get.
“I actually wanted to open a summer camp for foster kids, special needs kids, and especially a safe place for kids who don’t always fit in. The ones that never seem like they belong. I want them to have somewhere they belong. I don't want it to be a work camp but a fun place where they can come and learn all about animals, livestock, plants, nature, dirt. I want them to know the dirt under their feet. That no matter where they walk, the earth is giving them life, strength, its own life force. Someone or something, even if it's only nature around them, is giving them all of itself and that should make them hold their held up. Know that they are important. They deserve and are worth it.”
I look up and realize I just word vomited all of that and he probably thinks I’m crazy as fuck. I honestly didn't mean to get all that deep, but once I started, I just couldn't stop. This has always been my passion. One I thought I would fulfill back home, but that was just wishful thinking. Though I have to say, since meeting Ophelia and Rodeo, not once have I really felt homesick.
Don't get me wrong, I miss Andrew like crazy but everyone else in that town? Not even a little bit.
“That sounds like a brilliant fucking idea. I would love to help any way I can, and I know the club will do everything in their power to help as well.” Rodeo says in a soft but firm tone. The understanding in his voice has my fists clenching. I know a little about his background and rough childhood, just from Ophelia and her history as well, but nothing specific and not a lot of detail.
“I take it you didn’t have a great childhood, either?” he asks softly. Taking the sweat rag out of the back of my pocket, lifting my cowboy hat, and swiping my forehead, I mull over how to explain my life before here.
“I had a wonderful mother and father. A bit old-fashioned, but they loved me for who I was. It was everyone else who seemed to have an issue with whom I was. My town either ignored me, made me feel like I was wrong or disgusting, or yelled insults and laughter at me. The only other person I had on my side was my best friend, Andrew. He did everything he could to protect me, to take the attention off me, even if it put that unwanted attention on him. Still, the lies, the insults, the hate, it all takes a toll on you after so long. I was ready to get away and start over somewhere new.” I finish telling my sad little tale but can't help tacking on, “just a sad story really, not nearly as bad as what you and Ophelia went through, I bet.”
“Don’t do that. Don't take away your hardship just because it doesn't match mine. The fact of the matter is, it was in the past and we won. We got away from it and started over. You're going to make a difference here Trip and if you’ll let me, I would really love to be a part of that.” He says, blowing me away.
“That would be amazing.” I reply. After that, we worked in silence, both of us kind of lost in thought.
It's always hard opening up those old scars, remembering back when times were harder. People hated you for existing, walking the streets like you were less than. Like a Freakshow and you know, maybe sometimes my head made it worse than it was. Sometimes your head is so low to the ground you miss the pity in their eyes. But then you look fast, you see the classmates who’ve heard the gossip from their mamas running the phone tree. You see them snub you because their mama called you a sinner, or the preacher focused just a bit too much attention on you in that back church pew. Maybe the whole congregation didn’t turn their heads to stare me down, but the judgment and hate didn't need eyes to make those gashes in my soul. I could feel every lick. The one that said I was less, I was wrong.
“How accepting is this town to us?” I ask suddenly. Rodeo turns and stares me in the eyes before he answers me. He wants me to see the truth.
“I won't lie and say everyone is accepting, but they judge in mostly silence. For the majority are great and couldn't give two shits. Despite what they like to say, the south is more accepting than you think. Well, around these parts.” He smirks.
That takes a weight off my shoulders, but there's one more thing we need to discuss while I have him alone. The problem is, how the hell do you bring up a subject like this to a guy? What the hell am I even supposed to say?
“So, you have feelings for my girls, huh?” Rodeo spits out. I rear back so fast I almost knock over the post we are currently working on. I stare wide eyed at him until he trips over himself, laughing. I have no clue what the fuck is happening right now nor what to say, so I wait for his laughter to stop. When it does, he gives me a more serious look, but still with mischief in his eyes.
“I could tell from the start you had feelings for her just like I did from the time I turned ten and knew I loved that blonde, pigtailed, skinned knee girl and would marry her one day. That plan never really changed. I just knew there was something missing. I didn't know what, and I wanted her to have the world. So, I left and tried to search for that missing piece. I’m pretty sure, though, we might have found it.” He winks at me before bending down, picking up his shirt, and walking back over to his horse, Steel.
My one thought as I watch him ride away is… What in the actual fuck did that even mean?
Chapter Fifteen
I slow Steel to a trot and let Trip catch up both mentally and physically on the back of his horse, Brass. I know he’s probably a bit confused about my statement, but I also know he needs this situation to be delicate. I think it's easier for him to accept his feelings toward Ophelia. They’ve had a bond that snapped into place immediately, but being in a three-way relationship is going to be even more difficult for him to take on all at once. Add in a child and it might just send him running right back to Texas to find that simpler life.
I don't want to scare him off or make him feel he doesn’t have a place here… with us. So, I’ll drop little hints, statements, ques and have him accept it a little at a time. Finally, he catches up just as we are coming up to the house. As we get a look at the porch, I pull the reins and stop Steel in his tracks. Trip does the same with Brass and we sit, enjoying the scene in front of us.
Ophelia sitting on the front porch with a glass of sweat tea in her hand and rocking Mable in her lap. The bright smile she gives us as she sees us approach is something I’ve only dreamed about but dreamed about I have.
“Y’all get it all fixed?” she asks and smiles wider at our nod.
Jumping off Steel and heading up the porch, I lean down and kiss Mable on the forehead and do the same with Ophelia before taking a seat in the rocker to her left. I watch as Trip does the same thing before taking the rocker on her right. I smile behind my hand when I realize we’ve just fallen into this whole relationship with ease, even if the other two parties don't realize it yet.
“Ophelia…” Trip starts before hesitating. Ophelia must sense the topic he’s wanting to bring up, just like I do, because she tries to deflect.
“The club is having a party tonight. Ain’t that right, Beau? Jade was telling me about it. She said we should all come. It was going to be a blast.” She turns to me. I give her a smirk before answering.
“Yeah, Honeybee, there’s a party tonight, but we have plenty of time for that. Plus, I need to leave here in a bit. I have to run by the bar and check on things. Then I’ll come back by and pick you both up.” I reply before looking up at Trip. I give him a chin lift before continuing.
I know what he wants to know because me and the club need to know as well. So far, Ophelia has refused to open up about exactly what all happened after I left. Trip wants to know what might be coming, even though I think it's more than that, and me and the club need to know, even if it kills me to hear it. Ophelia needs to get it out. She’s been so strong, and I couldn't be prouder, but I hate sitting here while she's in pain and waiting for her to explode like a ticking time bomb. I’ve never been a very patient man.
“You know, you can’t run from it forever, Honeybee. It's going to catch up to you, eventually. Why not get it out here and now while you have four strong, capable hands to hold and soothe you? Please, let us help hold you together. Stop taking all that on your own shoulders. Tell us what happened.” I damn near plead with her. I watch the sadness in her eyes bleed out before she closes them and takes a deep breath.
“Let me put Mable in bed before I start. I don't want her to wake up and have to hear some of the nightmares she hopefully forgot.” She says in a whisper. I flinch, like she punched me so hard my soul left my body. That's how it actually feels. I have to breathe deeply through the pain running through my chest.