“You ride bitch.” I say simply. His reply is just as simple.
“No. Fucking. Way.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Dang it, Dang it, dang it.” I yell out, kicking the flat tire of Trip’s truck. Yes, I got a flat. Not even a mile down the road from where I started. What does that say about me? What does that say about how far I’ll get on my own? I couldn't even make it a couple miles from where I started before a hurdle was thrown in my way.
I’ve been here for over an hour and before you assume I’ve just been sitting here waiting to be rescued like some damsel in distress, you would be wrong…. Mostly. I tried to get the lug nut thingies off with the Hexagon tool, but I have no muscles in my arms or anywhere anymore. It was only a few years ago I worked on a farm with my family. I was tough and fit, but being locked away for the last few years really did a number on my body. Even the walk to Trip’s house was brutal, and I used to run the fields for hours.
I want to sit down on the side of the road and cry. I want to go back to Trip and rodeo and my baby girl; I want to just be free. I know that's just a dream, though. There is no way the community will just let me go. They never do with the women in the church. Sure, the guys are given free rein. They might be considered an outcast, a deserter, but they aren't tracked down and dragged back. I can’t give up now though, I’ve made it too far. So instead of sitting down and pouting, I try again with the tire. I barely get the pieces fit together before I hear it. A car is coming. Oh, maybe they can help, and I can get back on the road. That's if it's not the cops and Trip already called and reported the truck stolen.
But no, it's not the cops, it's not a car at all. It's a motorcycle.
“Oh no, no, no. They can’t find me already.” I panic and quickly try to push down on the lug nut. I know it's pointless, I know there is no way for me to change this tire at all, much less in thirty-seconds or less, but I have to try. The roar of the engine gets closer and closer until it's right behind me. Still, I don’t look, still I work on this dang tire, until the engine cuts and a voice calls out from right behind me.
“I’d offer to help, but I don’t think my brother would take too kindly to me helping you escape. Plus, you know it's kind of my civic duty to apprehend the little car thief.” His amused voice makes me grit my teeth. I turn to see the one Beau called Grease standing behind me with a wide smile stretched across his face.
“Aren't you all supposed to be outlaws or something? You could just help me change this tire, then turn your head as I drive away.” I know it's a long shot, but I have to give it a try.
“No can-do little bee. Alright, let Rodeo know where you were, and he’s headed this way.” he replies.
“It’s Honeybee and only Beau calls me that. Please help me,” I plead with him. “I’m just trying to protect them.” I whisper that last part, but he hears me. His eyes go soft, but still he shakes his head.
“There is no place safer than with the club, with the brothers, and with your family, Ophelia. I know you don't know us, but there is a reason Beau trusts us and knows we will do whatever it takes to keep you all here and safe. You may not trust us yet, but can’t you trust Rodeo? Trust in him.”
I don't get a chance to reply before we hear another motor coming this way. This time faster and louder and I know it with all of me. I can feel it in my soul. It's him. Not even a minute goes by before he pulls up next to us, but the sight that accompanies it isn't as scary as I thought. It's actually taking everything I have not to burst out laughing. Grease is not having the same reaction. He is on the ground, hands and knees peeling over from laughter. He’s not even trying to hide it.
Beau glares as he places his feet on the ground. Behind him, sitting on the back seat, is a very big, very pouty cowboy. Trip sits with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face.
“Shut the fuck up, Grease.” Beau spits out, and then his eyes shoot over to mine. “You, I’m about to deal with right the fuck now.”
That has the amusement drying up quick.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on. First, tell us how you convinced Trip here to ride bitch?” Grease tries hard to hold in the laughter, but it's nearly coming out of his ears.
“Not now, Grease.” Beau snaps, making me jump.
“Spoilsport. You know this is the kind of shit I live for and you're ruining it.” Grease scoffs.
“Head back to the clubhouse, brother. We’ve got it from here. Let Prez and the others know we found her safe and sound.” Beau continues, but doesn't take his eyes off me. Grease looks between the three of us before turning and making his way back to his bike. I open my mouth to call him back, hoping he might be a buffer for Beau’s obvious anger. Before I can get a word out though another voice speaks up.
“Don't do it Sweet Pea. He ain’t going to hurt you, but we still need to talk,” Trip says, stepping off the bike. I let my shoulders sag because I know this is it. I failed at getting away, given up my chance. Now I will be watched like a hawk to make sure I stay in place. Trip walks up to his truck and looks at the tools laying down around the flat tire.
“Really fucking glad you suck at this… but also kinda want to teach you to do it better so we don't have to worry about you dying on the side of the road for no reason.” Trip says over the growl of Beau.
“This ain’t going to be happening again. You can’t just come back here, Ophelia. Show up with my daughter, give me the life I always dreamed of, then turn and tuck tail.” That has my hackles rising and for the first time, I raise my voice to someone.
“Don't you dare talk to me about tucking tail.” I throw back. His eyes flash with sadness and I take a deep breath before starting over. “That wasn't fair. I didn't want to hurt you and I'm sorry but…”
“No,” He interrupts. “You had every right to throw that in my face. I’m sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did. It's just when I found you gone, and then I couldn't calm down Mable.” I interrupt him on that.
“Mable?” My voice breaks, but Beau quickly reassures me.
“She’s fine now. Trip calmed her down.” My eyes shoot over to Trip. He just shrugs and rubs the back of her neck.
“How about we start over?” Beau finally says, letting out a sad sigh.