Page 45 of Hanging Horseshoes

“Toots whats going on?” I ask moving closer to the gate not liking at all where this is going.

“They found me. Which means its only a matter of seconds before they find you.” Her mom says, sadness in her eyes. “I know you loved it here. Loved all of these people.” She looks back our way… or most specifically my way. What the fuck?

Becky turns to Swift before speaking.

“I didn’t mean to bring danger to you or your family. I was caught up in an incident with some really powerful people. The best place to go unnoticed was with an MC. I appreciate the protection and the home here. I love these children and all of you so much but its time for me to go. Please tell the children I love them.” Her voice breaks on the last sentence.

Then she turns and they make their way, quickly, to her mothers car still idling in the driveway.

“Tootsie you stop right the fuck ther. Open this mother fuckin’ gate. NOW!” I pound trying to get to her.

Becky opens the passenger door and looks back at me with tears in her eyes and for the first time, she smiles at me. I rock back on my heels, struck like lightening…

Unfortunately its enough time for her to hop in the car and race away from the compound, from me.

And for the first time in my life, all the humor, all the laughter, all the lightness that used to be my life…

It rides off with her, leaving me in the dust.

Bonus Epilogue


Graduation Day:

“And now, your valedictorian, Mable,” The principal announces from the podium. Clearing my throat and smoothing my robes I walk across the strange and to the Mic.

“L-ladies and Gentlemen. Th-th-thank you in a-advance for being patient with me and I promise not to keep y-you all too l-long.” I say to the crowd around me.

The same jerks who made my school life completely miserable all because of my speech impediment. I was singled out in the beginning. No One wanted to be my friend. Only the kids in the club would be seen near me. I never let anyone know how bad it truly was. I didn't want them going all stabby just because of some harmful words and light physical attacks.

That's partly the reason I’m valedictorian was because I was never invited anywhere, never had friends to hang with, just the club, my cousins and uncles and my books. I hear snickering as I look down at my professional written notecards in front of me. Just read the cards Mable. You can do it. Just spit it out and get the heck off this stage.

“I-i want t-to…” I’m cut off by a male voice.

“How long we got to sit th-th-th-through this joke teach? We’ll be starting college before she gets done.” Jason Terphin says making everyone laugh.

“Can't go to college if you can't even write. I’ll take care of both those hands for you.” Dad, ever the protector and club enforcer, says from the bleachers, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Won't be able to walk when I get done with both those knee caps. Also rules out that football scholarship am I right boy?” Papa, my other knight riding in to save me.

“Tell him you’ll take his tongue Daddy. That way he won't be able to speak up in class.” Rae my cousin and all around silent badass says from in front of them. Jason by this point has gone ghostly white. He got too comfortable with me not telling about the bullying. He forgot his audience.

“ENOUGH! Ms. Last Name, please continue, quickly.” The vice principal says. I hear unmistakable growls coming from the stands. Them not liking that last little kick. You know what. I’m tired too. I’m tired of being the good little girl, always following the rules, the white sheep in a family full of fun, outgoing, very much black sheep family. I want to feel free. I want to feel alive. I want to feel feared for once in my life.

I want these people to know they didn't break me. I want them to know they were a rut I will drive right the heck… no, right thehellover, then back that biatch up and over again. Teachers included since they thought it was so easy to ignore. Well ignore this.

“I-i just have one th-thing to say.” I clear my throat bound and damn determine to get this right, “F-FUCK. Y-YOU.” Perfect! I am perfect the way I am.

I hold both middle fingers up in the air to the gasps of the staff and my classmates…

And the yells, cheers, love, and support of those who mean everything to me.

My family.

To them and to them alone, I kiss my two fingers and point them right at them. I get a wink from my Papa, a mouthed I love you from my bright smiling mama, and a had tip followed by a smirk from my dad.

This ride is just starting and I just know, its going to be good…

The End