“I can’t see exactly where they went because of the angles of the camera and I can’t tell when they came out because when the explosion happened it knocked all the feeds down around that area but she definitely didn't get in the car. I think they are still alive. My only worry is the mom. If she knows Ophelia didn’t get in the car then they are still in Danger.” He tells us.
“They are still alive.” I look at Beau and whisper in awe. He smiles at me and I swear I can see moisture in his eyes before he blinks it away.
“Can you find her?” He asks clearing his throat. It will take a minute. I need to comb through the area and see if I can find a camera frame that has her in it. I might be able to follow her if she’s still close.
“How long will it take?” He asks impatiently.
“I’m calling church. Get to the clubhouse and we can sort out all of this mess. Trip, you were a part of this one and it's also your woman and kid involved. This time, and only this time, I’m giving you a pass. You can sit in.” Swift says and while I know its a great honor, another part of me wants nothing to do with sitting in a fucking meeting instead of being out there and looking for our girls. I give him a chin lift in thanks either way but screaming coming around the building has us all stopping in our tracks.
“We found her! We found her!” Halle yells with all the women running in behind her. She stops when she gets to us and we are all standing around waiting for what she has to see, to tell us where they are.
“Who the fucks Idea was it to run? Damn, I forgot how much of a bitch having babies can be. I’m out of fucking breath.” She rambles on.
“Halle, tell me where the fuck she is,” Beau says impatiently.
“Please,” I add on in a tortured whisper.
“On one condition. You have to take all of us with you.” She says smiling evilly.
“No way.”
“Never going to happen.” All the men around us chorus.
“Then looks like us ladies will be heading to get our girl ourselves. We are all a family Hayden. You will let us go or you will get the fuck out of the way and let us take over.” Piper says stepping around Halle and up to Swift crossing her arms and not wavering under his stare.
After a battle of wills Swift sighs heavenly.
“Fine, but you will stay behind us and listen to every fucking word we say. Understood?” He makes eye contact with each woman and getting a nod from each. Before looking back to Piper, “And you will be getting a sore ass when we get home.”
“Promises Promises.” Piper smiles before getting on her toes and placing a kiss on his mouth.
“Lets ride out.” Swift calls and as one we move.
“Lets go get out girls.” Beau says following in step beside me.
That sounds like a fucking plan to me.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I watch as the mean lady yells at Mommy again. She has been yelling for a vewy vewy long time now and I hope she stops soon. I push further back into the corner and hug my knees tighter. I don't dare make a sound, I know that only makes her more mad. I don't want her mad at mommy. The loud lady sees me move and shoots her mean eyes my way. Somehow her eyes get even smaller and it feels like, if her eyes could touch me they would burn.
Mommy moves to try and block me from her but instead the mean lady uses the back of her hand to hit mommy across the face. Mommy goes flying to the other side of the wall bouncing into some woodenbig chest[1]thing before falling to the ground.
I have to get to mommy. I need to make sure she's okay. I try to make myself as small as possible and crawl very quietly to mommy. When I make it to her head I see sticky red lines going down her face and close to her eyes. Mommy won't be able to see if there is sticky stuff in her eyes. I try to wipe it off but it just keeps spreading and getting worse.
“You. Haven't you done enough, you abomination?” I lift my head at the mean lady's voice. I don't know what she means but I can tell by the way she is looking and the cut in the words she forces out to me that she doesn't like me very much.
She never has though. Hers is always mean. Even when we lived in the dark and hers would bring us food. She was always throwing mine to the floor. That was okay, it was just how we ate there. But my daddies don't make us eat like that. They are nice. They give us kisses and hugs.
“Leave her alone.” Mommy says. She tries to sit up but goes wibbly before fixing it.
‘she should have never been born!” Mean lady screams , “I had plans for you. You were to marry the leader. Be his third and final wife. You were to head the church and appoint me as your mentor. We could have been the highest in the community. You ruined everything and now, now you are going to pay. Both of you.”
Mommy turns to me and touches my cheek, “Run baby. On the count of three. Run out the door and don't look back. I’ll keep her busy.”