I pick up the receiver before remember, I have no clue what anyone number is. They were all just programed into the cell phone the guys gave me.
“Oh the bars number. I know that one.” I say out loud. I only remember because Beau told me one the last for were DCBB in number sequence. It stood for Devils Cross Biker Bar. I mainly remember it because he had said, “I wish there was another number cause I really wanted DCBBB, Devils CrossBadassBiker Bar.”
It had made me laugh. He made me laugh, and now I just feel even crappier, I need to get back to them. I dial the number and it rings three times before
“Devils Cross, make it fucking quick, we got shit going on, people to serves, and a friend to find so this better be fucking good.” Halle answers the phone. At her voice and her message I break. The tears come out in sobs and there is nothing I can do to stop them.
“Who is this! I swear to Oden you better not be another hormonal bitch claiming you got pregnant from a one night stand here or some shit. I’ll tell you what I tell the others, we don’t give out personal details and the club aint required to hand out condoms.” She grumps. Holy shit I’ve never heard her so upset and that’s on me too.
“Hall?” I say quietly.
“Fee Fee.” She gasps, “Where the fuck are you women. We thought you and Mable.”
Her voice breaks and I close my eyes at the pain they must all be suffering but she continues.
“We thought you were both in the car.” She finishes.
“No, I actually saw something at one of the Boutiques and we went in there to look around.”
“Thank christ.” She breaths.
“I felt and saw the blast and, Gosh Halle, I just panicked and ran. I'm so sorry. When I my mind cleared and I calmed down I realized the mistake and I just want to come home. Is Beau there. Tell him I want to come home. That I used the card so you guys could track me and find me because I don't really know where I am. Please, please tell him to let me come back.” I blabber on and on through my sobs.
“Whoa, whoa, babe. Calm down. He’s not here. Actually the women are handling the bar today because the guys were out looking for answers and the fucker who tried to kill you. Don't worry, I'm shutting this shit down right now. I’m going to call the crew. We will all meet up and ahead to you. Just stay right the fuck where you are and stay safe. Don't open the door for anyone but us. Just keep you and Mable safe. Got me?” She asks
I shake my head because my throat still feels impossibly tight but then I clear it and answer, “Yeah Halle. I got you.
“Good. We’ll be there in a jif.” She hangs up and I place the phone back in the holder.
Now to just sit here and wait.
I lean back and close my eyes getting comfortable and must drift off because the next thing I remember is jerking awake. I look around and take in Mable cuddled beside me asleep and wonder what woke me when suddenly I hear is, theres a soft tapping at the door. I say tapping because its not hard enough to be considered knocking.
I get up slowly from the bed and start to panic. I don't have a weapon or anything. No one knows me here and I know there is no house cleaning at this time. I silently walk toward the door and lean closer to it.
“Ophelia? Are you in there?” It a woman's voice. A familiar voice. “Ophelia if you're in there please open the door. They're after me. They are trying to kill me.”
“Mom?” I gaps as I realize who it is. Without thinking I sling open the door and standing in front of me looking more evil than I can ever remember is my mother.
‘scream and I cut your throat out.” She tells me holding up and long thin knife. It kind of looks like a fillet knife we used to take out our fishing Trip’s but I realize that’s not really what I should be focused on. I need to protect my baby. I look over at Mable on the bed.
“Do what I say and your little bastard over there will be alright.” She says and at that the fight leaves me. If she was threatening me I would chance it but I would never in a million years gamble with my daughters life. I would rather stab myself in the heart.
So I step back and close the door, looking outside at the parking lot and hoping and praying My men, the club. My get here in time to save us…
Or at the very least, save Mable.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
“How the fuck did you know where to find her?” I yell, taking the knife and slicing his calve open.
“Please, please, please. I’ll tell you anything. Just please stop with the torture. I can’t take it anymore.” He begs and pleads. That’s not going to work for me though because apparently, this fucker opened a blood thirsty side to me I didn’t know I had.
“Fine, nasty ass skidmark. I’ll give you a shot but just remember, you hold any information back and this will look like playing cops and robbers when Fee Fee when we were younger. Give us what you can and I might let Trip here end it. If not, Loki’s up next.” Beau tells him. The fucker looks over my shoulder and whatever Loki’s doing has piss running down the chair to puddle at his feet.
“I the tongue cutting still an option cause maybe we could use it to soak up the fucking mess he just made. Big ass baby. I mean did you not grow up in the same place? How did you turn out so normal Rodeo? You could take this shit with ease.” Loki Complains.