Page 19 of Island Daddy

“Open sesame,” I mumble, preparing to pass him a generous swath of our sweet nectar. “Mmmmmm,” I add, using my tongue to ensure not a single drop is wasted down his chin.

Kragen rolls his eyes back, in one-hundred percent approval. “You’re fucking incredible, Daddy,” he pants, raising his thumb to keep a small dribble of our cum from absconding my chin. “Enchanting as all fuck, I tell ya.”



Bright splinters of light penetrate my vision as I wake from what seems like the deepest sleep I’ve probably ever had in my life. Suffice it to say, this certainly hasn’t gone without the world’s most comfortable mattress. Daddy Reid is so right. I’m quite sure I never want to leave this cloud ever again. A large shiny mirror affixed to the bed canopy surprises each of my senses as I come alive.

Several moments pass by, as I stare up into our echo bouncing down on me. Slowly wriggling my body under Reid’s heavily draped arm in the process. The movement makes me feel as if I need to ralph, kind of like I’ve drank an entire bottle of whiskey or something noxious.

The shit thing is I can’t seem to remember what I fucking drank last night at all. Three pineapple mimosas at lunchtime, a Diet Coke with our steak dinner, and apparently a vat of poison sometime between Daddy dressing me to the nines and feeling his—he pounded me raw last night, didn’t he?No sooner do I roll over to the second set of pillows to my right, when Reid lets out a restless grumble.

“Where’re you going, Wade?” He groans, wiping the exhaustion from both of his eyes.

“Ummmm, I’m not Wade,” I affirm, convinced he exerted himself so much last night that he’s suffering a bout of exercise induced amnesia or some shit.Is that even a thing?

He shakes his head, silently cursing himself. “Fuck, kiddo,” he says. “I’m sorry, for a brief second I’d almost mistaken you for my ex.”

I nod. “Yeah I know,” I reply, finishing the journey to my edge of the largest fucking bed I’ve ever seen. “I’m nothing like that dickweed.”

Reid clicks his tongue. “You’re absolutely right,” he says. “You’re far better.”

Ever the charmer, isn’t he?My feet hit the plush carpeting as I scan the room for where I’ve left my phone. I hardly remember having sex with Reid last night, so finding my likely dead device seems impossible. Daddy Reid’s mansion is the size of three city blocks in Grand Junction, and I’d have missed locating his master bathroom if the door wasn’t slightly ajar.

“May I use this bathroom?” I ask, shrugging politely because this is the first Grindr fuckdate where I’ve spent the entire night.

He climbs down from his side of the bed. “Of course you can,” he assures me, approaching from across the room. “I gotta piss something fierce, myself,” he murmurs into my ear whilst wrapping both arms around my naked body.

Definitely another Grindr first.Every other hookup has been so brief, that the guy’s practically shoved me out the door forty seconds post cum.Wham, bam. Thank you, man. I’ll text you soon, but I’m only saying it to not sound like the total asshole that I really am.They never, ever message me again.

Reid ushers me into his bathroom without the need to flick a light switch. Of course the rich and entitled have motion sensors for everything. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit that he has some fifty-grand espresso machine which starts grinding its beans upon his entry into the kitchen. Seeing how the other half lives can be an exciting journey.

“Jesus!” I shriek at the size of his toilet. “You could practically go swimming in here.”

His head bounces between both shoulders. “Well it proves useful for both of us having a mutual piss.”

My dick pales in comparison to Reid’s volcanic cock. Our urine pours at precisely the same time, when his stream crosses with mine. Seemingly on purpose I might add. He snickers playfully, as if this gets his rocks off. It’s not entirely embarrassing, even if I’m more of a grower than I am a shower. Thoughts of my hand wrapping around his ample cock flood every corner of my mind, as we arrive at the tail end of our joint piss.

I must be staring straight at his nine inches of paradise, because Reid’s hand lands on my shoulder gently when he grunts low. “It’s okay, boy,” he mutters. “You can taste it, since I forgot to give you the opportunity last night.”

“Yes Daddy,” I grin ravenously, lowering to my knees.

I’ve never tasted the remnants of urine, but Reid’s tastes like heaven. I’d expected an ammonia like flavor, but it’s sweeter than Eve’s temptation. Reid moans in delight as my tongue grazes his cock gently. I’ve had loads of practice giving head, even though I don’t enjoy it as much. Mostly what turns me off is the grungy fucks of Mesa County having a hot dog with a bun, or they haven’t showered in a week. But I’m not opposed to giving them as good as I get.

“That’s nice, Banana Boy,” he grumbles. “You’re earning your keep.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean?I stop sucking long enough to slap his bare ass with a scowl. “Earning my keep?”

Reid grimaces. “It’s just a joke, Kragen,” he taps the top of my head. “Daddy didn’t mean to offend you.”

I shoot him a discerning look. “Uh huh,” I reply, suspicious if he has some ulterior motive after all.Maybe I don’t wanna stick around until Wednesday. Which just makes work assignment even easier.

Since I’m not a rude boy, my lips return to Reid’s throbbing dick. He’s getting up there in age, so I doubt he’ll cum this morning. Most older guys have a harder time recovering enough spunk in a short amount of time. His fingernails dig into the back of my scalp, as he continues to hoot and haw all throughout the bathroom.

“Oh fuck, Kragen,” he drones. “I might just cum again,” he admits, panting.

Sure enough, a moment later has me tasting Daddy Reid’s sweet release. While not a huge amount, I consider this quite the compliment. If I’m good enough to get a guy twice my age to ejaculate twice in two hours, then perhaps he’s right again. I am worth keeping around. Precisely to find more info leading me to what password is on that clandestine mobile app.