“And you’ve been in Colorado a while?” I ask.
Kragen finishes informing me that the city of Grand Junction has been the only home he’s ever known. After the subject of Schitt’s Creek surfaces for an in-person mention, our conversation turns a bit more serious than I expected. He asks me what it feels like to be the head of my father’s corporation, and how I handle the pressures without so much as a business degree.Wait a minute. How does he know I never went to college?
“Well aren’t you a nosey nelly?” I imply, jokingly but also kind of serious. “How do you know if I do or don’t have a business degree?”
“Reid,” he says, lowering his head seriously. “Your whole life is on Wikipedia for one,” he adds. “For two, Sploosh and all the rest of them can’t get enough of you.”
Christ! Don’t remind me.“Well it’s not—” my response is thwarted by Penny returning with our plates crowding her arms.
“These look delicious as ever, Mr. Fairchild,” she says, brimming with a smile. “Can I bring anything else?”
I shake my head just as Kragen offers me an uncomfortable look. “Can I at least try some of that garlic cream sauce on this shit?”
An immediate grunt surfaces at the back of my throat.We’ll be getting to the bottom of his mouthiness in public.I absolutely cannot let his rude behavior ruin my reputation at an establishment where I frequent the most. Penny grits her teeth, sending razors against my spinal column the entire time she steps away.
“Kragen, you need to apologize to her when she returns,” I admonish him with a glare. “Naughty boys don’t get rewarded with Daddy’s nine inches of praise.”
He swallows a large sip of his mimosa, nearly finished with his second glass. “Sorry,” he grimaces, all the while peering his head back to Penny as she returns with his request.
“I’m sorry, Miss,” he says seemingly genuine. “I don’t generally eat seafood,” he clarifies, looking back at me embarrassedly.
She shakes her overworked visage, grabbing at her neck. “It’s okay, I won’t tell the chef you disrespected his craft,” she says, winking.
Once she leaves us to our food, Kragen uses a knife and his fork to slice a small bite of the mahimahi. A small dip into the sauce precedes his curious taste of the mildly sweet tropical fish. His face lights up with surprise, almost as if unexpectant like it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be.
“It’s good, right?” I encourage him for another bite. “I probably eat it too often.”
He nods, chewing completely before grabbing his glass of champagne. “Not too bad at all,” he says. “I expected it to be strong like salmon or some shit.”
Another raised eyebrow forms on my face. “Kragen, I want you clean up your language when you’re in public with me.”
Kragen grits his teeth again. “It’s a filthy habit of mine, I’m so sorry,” he replies.
“I used to swear like that,” I admit earnestly. “But realized at some point when I was in a setting such as this, it was hurting how people perceived me.”
“Yes, Reid,” he replies, shamed. “I’ll watch how I say things.”
“That’s a good boy, Kragen,” I reply, winking.At least he’s making an effort.“I’d prefer you call me‘Daddy’though.”
He grins at the praise, almost too eagerly. “Really?” He replies, surprisingly neglecting his pork because the fish apparently tastes better. “I’ve always wanted a Daddy.”
After Wade, I never expected I’d fall for another boy. But Kragen’s eagerness to fulfill my inner desires, makes my cock swell to the thickness of a cop’s nightstick. I can’t wait to find out what his ass feels like around my dick. Whether it’s tight and dense like a cantaloupe or if it’s tender and soft as a watermelon. At this point, I’d find delight in either of those.
“Well my Banana Boy,” I wink, reaching for his hand in the process. “I’ll scratch that itch for you.”
Lunch went fast. We hardly covered all the deep emotional topics I usually like to touch on in a date. But this wasn’t a traditional date, no. I have no idea what ‘Daddy Reid’ has planned for me, but at least he’s not Ted Bundy incarnate. Now we’re on a private jet headed across the ocean to his residence in Maui, making me feel like the million bucks that he rakes in every year.
The life of Riley sure seems grand. I honestly wished I could be wined and dined like this every day. After getting over the initial fear of somebody else ordering my food for me, it was quite exhilarating not needing to decide. Apart from my mouthiness that is. I’m lying sprawled out on his plane’s sofa with my head practically planted directly in his lap.
He stares intently down into my face, swiping a few fingers through the tresses of my hair. “So I have a party I’m expected to make an appearance at later tonight,” he says. “Would my Banana Boy wanna join me?”
“Yeah I mean, I’d be down for that,” I reply. “I’d have to send my moms a text to let them know why I’m not back before bedtime,” I add. “I’m not a child but we’re thousands of miles away from home, so I owe them that much.”
Reid nods. “Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything less,” he replies. “You’re safe with me, I hope you know that.”