Page 32 of Island Daddy

My vision constricts as I drop my fork, the sound echoing throughout The Palace. “You’d have to contend with my Mimi for that to become a remote possibility,” I admit. “Candace is quite the protective mother wolf over me and my sister.”

He holds up a forefinger while scooping his phone from the table. Whoever he’s about to text, apparently takes precedence over our conflict resolution. Not that I doubt his intent on correcting my behavior like a true Daddy would. But his mind seems to be captivated by something far more important than this conversation.

“Hang tight, little boy,” Reid instructs with half of his vision shot towards me. “I gotta catch him before he jets off to San Francisco.”



Kragen has me questioning the very foundation of my fragility. Not even two hours earlier, my heart felt like it was bursting into flames after being betrayed by yet another younger guy. And now, it’s almost as if I forgive him entirely.

After giving it some thought, Kragen’s apology makes perfect sense. We haven’t known each other for any great length of time. So there’s no way he could share the same level of enthusiasm as I have for advancing our relationship. He expressed his need to keep a steady paycheck coming in. But there’s a sizeable portion over my heart, eager to shower people with help. If Kragen becomes my permanent boy, he’ll want for nothing. And neither will the Darling family.

We’re about to step off the elevator at the twenty-eighth floor, where I fully intend on administering Banana Boy’s punishment. With his full consent of course. But a bad boy needs to be corrected of their ill behaviors. And I’m precisely the Daddy to do as such. He catches my gaze before shuffling first out from the metal doors. There’s more than a generous tinge of repentance in his hazel-green wonders, which tells me that all should be okay between us. If it’s not already.

I scan my proxy card to enter the penthouse, ushering him inside first. The satisfying sound of my secure door shuts behind us, giving me more than an excited erection. “It’s just across the sitting area over there,” I instruct, pointing off to the farthest wall.

Kragen turns around with a blank stare. “Where?” He asks. “There’s nothing over there.”

My feet lead us across the room, behind an L-shaped sofa made of pure Italian leather. “That’s precisely the point, Banana Boy,” I say, pressing a small button which hides behind a faux book affixed to a shelving unit. “I had this playroom built two years ago.”

“Ohhhh,” he replies, his eyes growing with anticipation as my shelves rotate to a forty-five degree angle. “It’s a secret room?”

I nod. “Even my maid Shonee, is oblivious to what’s hidden behind these classic first editions,” I admit, pointing him through the opening.

Kragen shivers nervously as I undress him from top to bottom, surrounded by walls of various tools and pleasure toys. He might only feel tense because this is quite another new environment which his naked body hasn’t been exposed to before. If he trusts me enough to test his capacity for a little more pleasurable pain, then he’ll warm up long before my electric sounds drop down his urethra. I strip from my clothes quickly, all the while studying his nerves rising to the surface. Goosebumps form along his forehead as my fingers graze the spectacular state of Michigan. But my eyes are shooting him an eager look, as if silently telling him to chill the fuck out.

A subtle grunt falls from my lips. “Remember like last time, the safe word is always‘pineapple’and you’re to say it if anything becomes absolutely unbearable.”

Kragen nods with understanding, allowing me to nudge his naked body to my swing made from leather straps. It’s suspended from the ceiling by durable chains, enough to support Keone’s chonky hams from The Twisted Nip.

He draws in a quick breath. “I sup-suppose I d-d-deserve this attitude adjustment,” he stutters somewhat fiercely.

That’s right, you’re gonna let Daddy take away every ounce of insolence.Another fractious grunt escapes my lips, warm breath bouncing against the tender flesh of his neck. If I were a bloodthirsty vampire, this would be the prime opportunity to take his mortality. The boy lets me lift him up into the embracing leather straps, before I fit his heels inside each dangling stirrup.

“You’re not gonna blindfold me this time?” He asks coyly, swallowing a hard gulp of air.

“Nope,” I reply, shaking my head. “I wanna see you come alive as each moan ejects from your voice box, little boy,” I add, raising his wrist up to the first handcuff.

The handcuff’s satisfying clink sends my cock into a furious fit of ecstasy. Yet I haven’t so much as teased the surface of his hide with a riding crop.This is sure to be our best kink session yet, man. Your boy is ripe for the taking.Drool falls from my bottom lip, while I secure his other hand in the opposing cuff.

Kragen’s demure grin contorts as I use a forefinger to collect my saliva from his forehead, sliding it slowly between his lips. My finger advances to the back of his throat to test his gag reflex another time. He’s ever the decent head giver. So I’m not surprised that the boy isn’t already choking by now.

“Mmmm that’s right,” I mutter low, forcing him to suck on my fingers for several moments. “Taste Daddy’s salty fingers.”

The azure seas drown with each widening pupil, as he attempts to speak. “Tastes kind of like pine—”

A hasty grunt projects at the mere mention of my safe word.There’s no fucking way he wants me to stop when I haven’t even gotten started.“Don’t say it, little boy,” I command, stepping around to slap his thigh. “Your punishment hasn’t even begun.”

Kragen nods. “Yes, okay,” he drones.

Another flat palm against his bare ass. “Yes okay, what?!?” I grunt underneath narrowed eyes.

“Yes, Daddy,” he replies.

“That’s a good boy,” I reply sternly, fishing my arms into a leather harness.

The very notion of praise seems to make his cock stiffen. He’s moaning already, and I haven’t done anything as much as a spank on that bare, plump ass.