Page 17 of Island Daddy

Whatever you do, definitely DON’T go to the Sploosh website.

Well I’m not certain what kind of man she takes me for. I don’t pay her to boss me around. Furthermore, the natural thing someone’s going to do when told not to do something, is ignore the other’s instructions entirely. I prepare my gut for the assault of what new truth they’ve spun into their web of lies. Though I grit my teeth immediately after seeing a picture plastered across the front page of their site.

Who the fuck do they think they are? How’d they get this photo?

I shouldn’t be surprised that the paparazzi have somehow found a way to bypass my security apparently weaker than Area fucking 51. What I am shocked to see, however, is the orangish-pink hues swallowing a clearly visible candid of Kragen kissing me at Golden Hour. The headline to raze me is perhaps the most upsetting part to this.


If Kragen’s head weren’t pressed firmly into my pancreas right now, I’d be jumping straight out of this booth losing my utter shit all over the dining area of Makai Palaoa. But I’m not about to alarm the beautiful beast tucked under Daddy’s arm. This photograph, surely already surfacing each five-billion Facebook feeds, is damaging Kragen Darling’s life as it is. Fuck my own image. I’m so used to this shit, that if there comes a day where I’m not being ridiculed by the rags, I’ll consider it a miracle.

Apparently I’m enraged enough where the poor boy is coming alive, wiping at the exhaustion to plague his hazel oceanic wonders. I turn my phone off at once, because he doesn’t need to see this. So long as I can get him to avoid tapping any of his social media icons for the next twenty-four hours, it’ll be so far buried under tomorrow’s bullshit that he may never see it.Guess I’ll have to fuck the curiosity straight from his essence until then.

“Did my Banana Boy have a nice jump back in time?” I ask, using humor to cloak my fury.

He nods, reaching for his coffee mug with a confused look catching my gaze. “What do you mean?”

“You’re drunker than a leprechaun in March, little boy,” I grin, helping scoot the creamer within his grasp. “So when someone is passed out after drinking, it’s a lighthearted way of telling them they’re falling asleep at random.”

Kragen’s forehead scrunches, giving the state of Michigan adorable little love handles. “I’ve never heard of that before,” he grins. “But it shouldn’t surprise you because I’m such a fucking teetotaler.”

A grunt rustles the back of my throat. “Kragen,” I growl. “What did we say about foul language when we’re in public places?” I ask, my right brow higher than the moon outside.

He grimaces. “Sorry Daddy, I forgot,” he says. “Guess you haven’t reformed me quite enough tonight after all.”

Fucking growl. Just you wait your pretty little head, we’ll be back home soon enough my darling.

“Your wish is my command, if you finish the last two bites of your pancakes,” I reply, enticing him with a raised forkful up to his lips. “Open sesame, Banana Boy.”

His eyes flutter, staring straight into my soul. “You promise?”

I lean into his right shoulder, whispering ever so slightly. “One more bite and you’ll have earned my cock in that tight hole of yours,” I mutter, casually sliding my hand between his thighs.

Kragen shivers at my touch. “Just no electricity,” he winces. “The candlewax was enough for me for the time being.”

“No, little boy,” I reply, shaking my head. “That room is for play,” I add, licking his earlobe. “My bed is for a far more tender romance.”

He takes his last bite, appeasing every shred of my Daddy instincts. The electric sensations buzzing up and down this boy’s spine is so intense, Maui could practically break out into a 4.1 magnitude earthquake. My palm can feel his cock feverishly twitching underneath the seafoam green chino shorts. I push him gently, signaling that he rise from the booth. A Benjamin falls to the table’s surface before my hand clutches with Kragen’s.

“Come now my darling,” I wink over my shoulder, studying the greyish-green hue reeling my spirit in closer. “Once you’re in my huge bed, you’re gonna never wanna leave it.”

* * *

Driving Banana Boy back to my Maui residence didn’t take too long. But to the little time traveler, I’m sure it felt like an eternity. For the most part, he’s sobered up now. When I was eighteen, going out to parties because I didn’t have structure or rules, this brat right here learned quick that coffee is the ticket to bouncing back from the wrangle of liquor.

I’m in the master bathroom, applying a thin layer of face cream which costs more than Kragen probably earns in a year. And I don’t know why for, if other than out of pure habit. Surely the boy’s spunk will have iced my face like a fucking cupcake here in about twenty minutes. An hour tops if I take it nice and slow. But it’s been a decent length of time since Mt. Reidvius has tarnished the lands of its Alaskan King sized bed with molten lava.

“You’re sexy as ever, Kragen fucking Darling,” I admire him, sauntering quickly to the side of the bed closest to my bathroom.

The fervorous smile beaming from his cheeks is all the tacit approval I technically need. But I’m nothing if not a morally adept Daddy. Before my hungry cock plunges his ass to mine for a diamond amidst his beautiful soul, I need his express permission.

“Kragen,” I mutter close to his left ear, teasing it with the tip of my tongue. “Are you sure you want Daddy’s volcanic cock?” I ask, gliding my hand down his naked torso until he moans at my palm grazing his dick. “Because once I get started, it’ll be like a jackhammer on the streets of Chicago.”

“Yes Daddy,” he whimpers. “I want you to fuck me into oblivion.”

I click my tongue. “You’re definitely a famous author and just scared to admit such a brilliant vocabulary,” I tease him, narrowing my eyes amidst the sea of dim lights above us.Just bright enough to catch a glimpse of the luminant speck in the corner of what are now patches of grass doused with honey.

Kragen grabs my hand, raises it to his lips before licking my fingers. “Mmmm sweet like pineapple,” he notes. “I’m partial to yellow fruits,” he winks, dragging my fingers down to his hole.