Page 84 of The Rebound

"We have bigger problems," he warns.

"Ain’t that the truth." I hold out my hand to her. "Ready for what’s coming?"

* * *

"No, absolutely not." I glare at my team. "I’m not putting her in front of the cameras."

We’re in my living room, and thanks to some quick thinking on Rick’s part, we’ve managed to get injunctions against any kind of aerial intrusion of my airspace. Fucking hell, I’ve never had an issue with the paps using drones to monitor my movements, but even if they had I wouldn’t have cared about it. But I’ve never had to protect someone else from their encroachment, either. Turns out, I’ll do anything to protect her from that bunch.

Giorgina folds her arms across her chest. "Newsflash: She’s already put herself in front of the cameras. It’s what caused this entire pisspot of a disaster."

"Hey, don’t talk about me like I’m not here." Solene jumps up from the sofa where she’s seated next to me. "I can make up my own mind about my future."

"Can you?" Giorgina looks at me then back at her. "You might want to talk to your boyfriend about that."

"He’s not my boyfriend," she bursts out.

"Not what the evidence suggests,” she drawls.

Harry pushes the door open and steps in. Rick who’s been positioned next to the doorway, steps in front of him.

"I’m her manager." Harry's jowls shiver as he swallows. "I… I was invited to join the meeting."

"He’s right, I texted him." I wave my hand, and Rick steps aside.

"You texted him? You texted my manager?" Solene turns on me.

"Much as I hate his weaselly arse, he is the best in the business, and you need someone to watch out for what’s best for your career."

"I can’t believe you’d speak to my manager without consulting me."

"Don’t think I’m going to consult you before I do what’s best for you," I growl.

She narrows her gaze on me. She’s standing over me, and considering how pint-sized she is, it doesn’t give her much of an advantage in height.

"Give me my phone." She holds out her hand.

I widen the space between my legs and throw my arms over the back of the couch.

Her lips thin. "No one decides what’s best for me. Not you. Not Harry. I decide for myself. Only I know what’s on my mind; not anyone else."

I scowl at her. "I know this city and this industry. I’ve been in showbiz for almost a decade. I can help you navigate the fallout from your overnight success."

"And I don’t doubt that. In fact, I welcome it. I’m more grateful than you’ll ever know that you flew out in the middle of your shoot to come see me. You’re here when I need you most, but—" She squares her shoulders. "But the final decision is mine. Not my manager’s, or my boyfriend’s, but mine."

"Ah, so you accept that I’m your boyfriend?”

She flushes then stabs her sneaker-clad toes into the floor. "I’m living with you. I put up a video, and the paps traced me to your home. I’m not sure what else to call you."

I hold out my hand, palm face up. She glances at it for a few seconds, then slowly places her much smaller palm in mine. I tug on her hand, and she tumbles into my lap. She yelps and tries to pull away, but I wrap my arm about her shoulders. "I’ll never say or do anything that will hurt you. I’ll do everything in my power to ensure you’re protected. I’ll put an end to anyone who dares do anything to compromise you. This, I promise."

Her eyes grow bright. She sniffles and whispers, "Th-th-thank you."

"You’re welcome." I pull out her phone and hold it out. She pockets it, then throws her arms about my neck and presses her lips to mine. Of course, I deepen the kiss. I tilt my head, open my mouth over hers and suck on her tongue.

Harry clears his throat. "That’s touching, but we still haven’t worked out how we're going to deal with the fallout from her going against my recommendations."

She breaks away from the kiss and glances at him. "You mean the eight million and counting views of my video?"