Page 72 of The Rebound

"They are?" I stare. The Cosa Nostra is one of the oldest Mafia families in Italy. The Mafioso blood runs in their veins, and they're thinking of switching to the right side of the law?

"I know, the love of a good woman, and all that,” she smirks. “Now that the Sovrano brothers are getting married, they want to ensure they and their wives are safe. Plus, they want things to be safe for the kids when they come, so—" She raises a shoulders.

"Right, wow, okay then."

"Anyway, enough about me, I hear you’re going to be the next big thing in pop-music?"

"Umm, I’m going to need a lot of luck for that to happen."

She takes in my features. "From what Olivia tells me, you're someone who’s determined enough to make it happen. And while I haven’t heard you sing, I’m sure you’re enormously talented."

"Thanks." I laugh. "I can do with all the good wishes."

"Speaking of—" Her eyes gleam. "There are a few women I want you to meet."

"Umm, I don’t think—"

"Relax, they’re not from the Mafia. Neither am I, though Michael did kidnap me—"

My eyes bug out. "He kidnapped you?"

"Oh, don’t sound so surprised. You know these Mafia guys. Once they want something, they go after it. Not that different from your guy."

"My guy?" I blink. This woman is flitting between subjects like a butterfly between flowers.


"He’s, ah, not my guy."

"Pfft—" She waves a hand in the air. "The two of you meet. The next thing we know, you’re running off with him to LA—"

"Only because he’s a big star and he has all the contacts and—"

"—there was no need for him to share his contacts with you."

"I suppose not," I murmur. Now is not the time to tell them about how Declan and I already met. I should have told Olivia about it, but I've kept putting it off, and now, I’m not sure it makes a difference, to be honest. What happened is between Declan and me.

"You’re right, he did want me here. And he’s been helpful. And perhaps, he feels something for me, but I’m not sure what." I raise a shoulder.

She glances to her right, exchanging a look with Olivia.

"Have you made any girlfriends in LA? Anyone you can speak with and bounce your thoughts off of about your love life?"

"This is LA."

She blinks.

"This is LA. And I’ve been here a very short period of time, but I can tell you, no one here is your friend." It’s what Declan tried to warn me about, but being on my own for the past two weeks is already making the reality of my situation clear. Trust no one, and your manager even less. That has become very clear to me already. Harry doesn’t give a shit about me as a person. To him, I'm an asset, and it's his job to make me earn as much as possible in as little a time as possible. That's how he makes his money. Of course, I make money for myself, too, but I have to watch out for my own best interests. I'm still building my career, so I don’t mind Harry putting me out there for every possible gig and pushing me to record this demo, so he has something to share with influencers and record companies. Given a choice, though, I’d rather just sit in my room and pen new lyrics for my songs and come up with new tunes. For now, though, I have no choice but to follow Harry's lead.

"Solene, did you hear what I said?"



I blink and Karma’s excited features come into view. "Uh, you were saying something about your friend, Isla?"

"Yes, yes." Karma nods with enthusiasm. "She’s not married—or pregnant— unlike the rest of us old farts."