Page 178 of The Rebound

We grin at each other, and I know the look on her face echoes the complete adoration on mine. And I probably look like a sappy, pussy-whippedstronzo, but fuck that. My Rabbit is fine and back on her feet, and the happiness and satisfaction I get from knowing I played a role in that is the most satisfying feeling in the world.

Giorgina clears her throat. "Shall we?"



The flash of lightbulbs going off is blinding. I should be used to it by now, but the months I spent away from the media recuperating have made me forget how full-on the paparazzi can be. After I posted the picture of the two of us on my social media feed, I put away my phone and so did Declan. Harry and Giorgina monitored the online feedback and kept us posted. We warned our friends and family we were going underground until we felt ready to face the world, which was yesterday.

After days of being immersed in each other, getting to know each other’s tastes even better, and talking about everything we loved and hated about our lives, our pasts, and our futures, as well as spending hours, sometimes, sprawled out on the couch in front of his infinity pool simply reading, I feel like I may know this man better than myself. I also feel rested. In no little part, because he refused to let me do a thing. He insisted on bringing me anything I needed, and when I protested that he’d been through a difficult procedure, too, he finally relented and allowed his staff more access to me. Plus, Rick and Finn were always close by not only to look out for us, but also to ensure we never lacked for anything. Between them, Giorgina, and Harry—who showed a side of him that went beyond simply the money-grabbing shark I thought he was when I first met him—we found ourselves in a little bubble of contentment we didn’t want to burst. We kept postponing the inevitable, until yesterday, when he decided to take a swim. It was the first of any kind of physical activity since the doctor had pronounced him fit.

I watched his powerful arms cleave through the water and realized he is, indeed, at one hundred percent in terms of his recovery. He hoisted himself up and out of the swimming pool and shook the water from his hair. Framed against the glorious California sunset, with the reds and oranges streaking the sky and highlighting the tan of his skin, I knew it was time.

When I pointed it out to him, he was reluctant to accept it, but I insisted. I told him I couldn’t wait to get back to work—which is both true and a lie. True because I can’t wait to start singing again, but also a lie because I don’t want to leave our little slice of paradise.

I also know it's important to get the movie started. I know he feels it's going to be important for my career, but really, it's more important for his profile that we do this movie together. Of course it will benefit me. And yes, #Declene will also boost the earnings from the film, but he's the star here. A real, genuine, Hollywood A-lister. And since this is his first time in a leading role where he doesn't play a villain, there's already a lot of anticipation around it.

Sure, my presence helps. The story of us, coming together for this movie, both on screen and in real life, as well as his organ donation to me… All of it is going to stoke the public’s need to see the film.

But first, the movie has to be made. There’s no putting off the fact we have to venture out of our happy space.

I urged him to think about restarting the production. He thought it over and told me I was right. That he’d been putting it off but there are people whose livelihoods depend on the shoot kicking off. He can’t put it off anymore. As one, we agreed not to delay things further. We'll get things rolling with a short press conference today to crank up the PR machinery.

As I take in the sea of journalists who’ve turned up to listen to us—and with such short notice—I know we’ve made the right decision. If we waited any longer, interest might have fizzled out. Any less, and they might not have been this hungry for information. Nope, we timed it just right. Doesn’t mean it's any less nerve-wracking to confront the wall of faces.

He must sense my nervousness, for he pulls me into his side as we pose for the photographers. There are no chairs for us to sit. Instead, we decided on keeping it very casual. We’re standing in a space in the middle of the shop, surrounded by rows of books.

And can I tell you a secret? All the shelves in this section now hold smutty books from my favorite Indie authors. All catalogued by author and by levels of spiciness. OMG! It’s something he surprised me with. He’d ordered all the books himself, after doing some online research. Then engaged extra help to have them arranged in a format he knew I’d love. I squealed when I discovered it. To think, there was a time when I wasn’t allowed to read my favorite books, and now I'm surrounded by them. And it’s all thanks to this incredible man. How lucky am I, eh?

I wrap my arm about his waist, and his familiar scent, his touch, the heat from his body, all of it more familiar to me than my own, wrap around me. I can’t stop myself from turning my face into his chest and rubbing my cheek against the soft cloth of his hoodie. In response, he bends and kisses the top of my head. Which only makes the flashes from the cameras intensify. It seems to go on and on, until Giorgina steps in front of us. On either side, we’re bracketed by Finn and Rick. They’re far enough away not to be in the frame, but close enough that they can step in to intervene, if necessary, while Harry’s lurking off to the side. Giorgina puts up a hand, and the flashes finally fade away.

"Declan and Solene have a statement to make."

There’s a murmur from the crowd.

"That is, once you settle down." Her voice is firm. She thrusts out a hip, slaps her hand on it and taps her foot shod in six-inch stilettos. I wince. The woman’s a hard arse.

"You look good yourself, Gio," one of the reporters calls out.

She tosses her hair over her shoulder. "Flattery will get you— everywhere." she flashes him a smile. The man winks at her, then drops to his haunches and takes a shot of her.

"Okay, that’s enough." Rick steps between them.

"Hey, man, you’re ruining my shot," the paparazzo whines.

"I’ll ruin more than that if you don’t back off, buster." Finn plants himself next to Rick. The combination of the two of them shoulder to shoulder in front of Giorgina makes me exchange a look with Declan. He shrugs. "I have no idea what that is."

"Hmm." I glance up to see Giorgina walk forward and tap the men on their shoulders. They move aside, and she steps in between them. "They have a point. If you can step back, we can start the proceedings, and that’s what you’re here for, eh?"

Giorgina turns to look between the two security guys. "If you two can also get back into place, perhaps we can get this show on the road?" Her voice is laced with impatience.

"You okay?" Rick looks her up and down.

"He shouldn’t have stepped out of line," Finn points out.

"And shit happens; deal with it. I don’t have time to argue with the two of you. Let’s get on with it."

Finn doesn’t look happy. Rick looks like he’s going to beat up someone. Then, he seems to get a hold of himself. Without another word, he moves away to one side while Finn moves to the other.