Page 96 of The Rebound

I ignore it, move toward Cade and take his hand. When he brings my fingers to his lips, there’s a full-on growl from somewhere behind me. The next moment, Declan marches over and stands between us.

"Unhand her," he snaps.

I gape at him.

Cade smirks, but he releases my hand. "A pleasure, Solene. Not so much, arsewipe." He nods in Declan’s direction. "Also, you stink."

He pivots and follows in Knight’s footsteps.

"Don’t know why you’re getting all possessive when I haven’t seen you in over a month."

"I called you," he protests.

"Twice, youstronzo. You called me twice."

"I did message you."

"Like that counts," I huff.

"I’ve been busy. You know how it is on set." He raises a shoulder.

I stare. "And on your time off, you came here to meet your friends?"


"So?" I take in the lack of regret on his face.Oh god, he doesn’t care about me at all.It’s why he hasn't been in touch. And like a fool, I ignored it. And I tracked him down—with Rick’s help—and here I am, foisting myself on him when he, clearly, doesn’t want anything to do with me. I swallow. "I made a mistake. I don’t know why I bothered coming here to talk with you."

I turn to leave, but he locks his fingers around my wrist. "Fuck, I’m sorry Solene. Truly. You took me by surprise, is all."

"That gives you no right to hurt me. And you do, Declan, more than you know." I keep my face averted. "I was taking a risk that you’d walk all over me when I came here. I wish I’d paid more attention to my instincts and stayed away."

"I’m glad you didn’t."

I will not look at him. Will not.I try to tug my arm out his grip, but he pulls me in.

"Please, Solene, please forgive me."

"Fuck you," I spit out.

"I very much want to."

"If you think I’m going to let you, you’re sadly mistaken. Not after you treated me like I mean nothing."

"It's not that you mean nothing to me. You’re crawling under my skin. You’re occupying my thoughts, my every waking moment. I’m not even able to concentrate on shooting the most important movie of my career because I can’t focus on anything but you."

"Well, boohoo, like I give a damn."

Once more, I try to move away from him, but he tugs on my arm. I yelp and stumble against him. He wraps his arms about me and pulls me up to my toes and into him.

"Ugh, you’re all wet and stink like a distillery."

"And whose fault is that, huh?"

"Yours, of course. You pissed me off," I retort.

"So much sass, so much fire. So much everything. It makes me want to—"

"What?" I tip up my chin. "What, huh?"