Page 94 of The Rebound

"Neither of which I’m looking for," I snap.

"Nonsense. Everyone’s looking for love."

"Not me."

"Especially those who protest they’re not," Cade pipes up.

"That includes you, asshole." I stab a finger in his direction.

He chokes on his drink, then begins to cough. Knight reaches over and slaps him on the back. When the coughing subsides, Cade shoots me a nasty glance and snaps, "We’re not talking about me."

"Your time will come, boy," JJ says and slaps his thigh.

"Like yours did?" I scoff.

"And I’m the happiest man in the world for it." His face lights up.

"Even though you got together with your son’s girlfriend?"

The skin around JJ’s eyes tightens, then he bares his teeth. "Jealous because I went after what I wanted? You could learn a thing or two from it."


JJ laughs. "The famous refrain of a man who knows he’s lost the argument. Mark my words. There’ll come a time when the two of you are gonna have to come to me for advice."

"Advice?" I growl.

"Ad-fucking-vice?" Cade looks at JJ like he’s crazy.

"Laugh now mofos, but when it’s time to learn how to grovel to win back your ladyloves, know that I’ll be here, ready to give you an earful."

"Grovel?" I exclaim at the same time as Cade.

The two of us exchange looks.

"I’m not gonna fucking grovel to anyone," I declare.

"Is this a sign of early senility?" Cade scoffs.

"I’ll have the last laugh," JJ says with such supreme confidence it sends a pulse of anxiety down my spine.

"Anyway, what about him?" I stab my thumb in Knight’s direction.

"What about him?"

"You didn’t include him when you gave your 'learn to grovel' speech." I make air quotes with my fingers.

"I didn’t, huh?" JJ rubs his finger under his bottom lip. "It’s probably because the man’s got a lot more devils to deal with than the two of you put together."

Both Cade and I glance toward Knight, who’s wiped all expression off his face. Apparently, JJ touched a nerve there.

"But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, eh? I reckon it’s the two of you jokers who’re going to bite the dust first."

Cade scoffs, "Not in your bloody lifetime."

"A-n-d, my prediction is, he’s going to be the first to fall, but time will tell, eh?" With a wave of his hand, he moves off.

The three of us are silent in his wake.