Page 93 of The Rebound

I toss back the coffee, then slide my cup on the table. "What makes you such a relationship expert?"

"I’m not. But I’ve seen death close enough to appreciate you don’t always get a second chance."

"Seems I’m in time to lift the mood of this par-tay." Cade’s voice reaches us a second before he slips into the vacant chair around the coffee table. A waiter appears at his elbow with a tumbler of whiskey. "Thanks, mate." The waiter steps away, and Cade raises his glass. "You pussies still sticking to tea?"

"It’s coffee," Knight says mildly.

"Also, it’s not even six p.m.," I add.

"It’s six somewhere in the world.”

“The saying is, it’s five o'clock somewhere in the world,” Knight chides him.

“Even better!” Cade raises his glass, then takes a sip. "JJ keeps the best whiskey in town." He’s referring to the man who runs 7A, a reformed Mafia Don the three of us know well.

"High praise, coming from the new captain of the English cricket team," a new voice booms.

"Speak of the devil…" Cade turns to greet the newly arrived man. JJ claps Cade on his shoulder. "I’m rooting for you to take the team all the way to the finals of the next World Cup."

"You bet." Cade smirks.

JJ barks out a laugh. "Cocky as ever. And hell if I don’t appreciate that."

"Haven’t seen you in a while, Knight." He and Knight clasp hands, then bump fists. "How long are you in town?"

"Shipping off tomorrow."

"Another secret mission?" JJ surveys him with a shrewd look in his eyes.

Knight’s lips quirk. "You could say that."

"I respect what you do to keep us all safe. I wish I could do more to show my gratitude."

"You do a lot." He glances around the table. "You all do, and the men are grateful."

He’s referring to the fund JJ started, and which we all contribute to monthly, the proceeds of which go to helping military vets find jobs after they leave the forces.

"Not enough. Not when your men give their lives for a cause. You have my respect. In fact—" JJ snaps his fingers and another member of his staff appears with a bottle of amber liquid and fresh glasses. JJ holds it out to Knight, but Cade intercepts it.

"Macallan 50?" He whistles. "Impressive and accepted with thanks." He opens the bottle, picks up a fresh glass, and splashes some of the liquid into it.

Knight laughs. "I second Cade; and thanks, JJ."

Cade rises to his feet and shakes the other man’s hand. "We’ve had our differences, but the work you’re doing for the vets is irreplaceable."

"I'm committed to using my resources for the greater good." He jerks his chin at me. "As for you, don’t you think it’s time to tell that pretty girlfriend of yours how you really feel?"

My jaw drops. "The fuck you talking about?"

He chuckles. "The look on your face is that of a man caught in a web of his own making."

"Your imagination is running away with you in your old age." I snort.

"And now, he resorts to using cheap insults." He clicks his tongue. "You’re definitely in a quandary."

"What’s it to you?"

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good love story and a happy ending." He smirks.